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Building Editors:

Redit - Edits rooms.
Redit save <zone> - This saves all rooms in <zone>
Redit copy <from #> <to #>      - Copies a room FROM a vnum TO a vnum.
Redit delete                    - Deletes a room.

Medit - Edits mobs.
Medit save <zone> - This saves all mobs in <zone>.
Medit copy <from #> <to #>      - Copies a MOB FROM a vnum TO a vnum.
Medit delete                    - Deletes a MOB.

Oedit - Edits objects.
Oedit save <zone> - This saves all objects in <zone>.
Oedit copy <from #> <to #>      - Copies an OBJ FROM a vnum TO a vnum.

Sedit                           - Edits shops.
Sedit save <zone>               - This saves all shops in <zone>
Sedit copy <from #> <to #>      - Copies a shop FROM a vnum TO a vnum.

Zedit - Edits zones.
Zreset <zone> - Resets <zone>.

Olc - View unsaved work.

Builder Commands:

Goto - Can go to a player or mob.
At - Used to perform actions in other places.
Transfer - Used to transfer players or mobs.
Load {obj|mob} <vnum> - Loads objects or mobs.
Vnum {obj|mob|room} <name> - Searches for obj/mob/room with <name> in it.
Stat - Shows player or mob information.
Purge - Cleanses a room of all contents other than players.


Slapsticky - Used to write a stickynote.
Showsticky - Used to show a stickynote.
Yanksticky - Used to remove a stickynote.

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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