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.:. IC

-------------------- IC and OOC --------------------

Some basic concepts:

A character is the person that you play. He/she can be good, evil, or
anywhere in between. You have complete control over your character's

A player is you, the person sitting over the keyboard staring at
the monitor.

In Character (or IC for short) is the mode your character is in.
Everything he/she says or does affects the world of a Moment in Tyme
to some extent. It is advised to be IC as much as possible, since that
is the main focus of the MUD. You are always assumed to be IC, unless
clearly marked otherwise.

Out of Character (or OOC for short) includes anything you,
the player, say to anyone else. All channels of communication (tells,
gdt, obviously the OOC channel) are assumed to be OOC, unless clearly
marked otherwise.

NOTE: It is not acceptable to request help with an IC situation
your character might be in using OOC means, or to use OOC information
in an IC manner. If in doubt, ask a member of the Immortal staff.

See also: Emote, Pemote, Say

:: Beginning

.:. ICA


You may have seen the term "ICA = ICC" floating around.  This
In Character Actions equal In Character Consequences.

Because we are a RP MUD, we take this concept very seriously.
This means that your actions as a character have a direct effect
on IC events, and may have consequences.  If you do not wish to
face the consequences for your actions, don't do the action that
will result in the consequence to begin with.

This is why it is important to familiarize yourself with the
Wheel of Time world, so you are aware of the customs, laws
and traditions of the land.  If you break a law, there could
be consequences.  If you kill someone and someone witnesses
it, there could be consequences.  If you kidnap someone, and
someone sees you, you can count on being pursued and having
your captive rescued.

The actions of players may also have direct implications for
the Story as a whole.  Killing off a bookie, for example,
could have undesired consequences, such as... the Shadow
winning the Last Battle. So be very careful, and be sure
that what you are doing is what you want to do, and that
you are prepared to take responsibility for your actions.
Please do not complain if you knowingly break a law or
create a problem, and someone calls you on it ICly.  Just
deal with it IN CHARACTER, or a Policy Imm will have to
sort it out.

:: Beginning


   Icdelete is the command Immortals and GLs have to delete news and
rumours from the command update's tables.
   The syntax is:
icdelete <location> <keyword> .

Example: icdelete cairhien Ball! .

See also: update, icedit.

:: Beginning

.:. icebox

The Icebox is where the bad kids go.  Trust us, you do not want to
find yourself in the Icebox.  This is the extreme end of punishments
for players who become abusive, short of sitebanning.

policy for more information on the game's policies.

See Also:  Policy Playnice

:: Beginning


Icedit is the command Immortals and GLs have to insert news and
  rumours into the command
update's tables.

The syntax is:
icedit <location> <news|rumour> <keyword> <Title>.

If a keyword on a specific location is already present, then instead of
  being re-added it is edited instead.

icdelete <location> <keyword> you can remove items entirely.

Example: icedit cairhien news Ball! A costume ball for Lady Keitha's
  naming day.

See also: update, icdelete.

:: Beginning

.:. IDEA

For making useful suggestions to the Powers That Be.

> <bug | typo | idea> <text>

> bug the MUD crashes when I type <look null>
> idea Make a restaurant in Caemlyn.
> typo "sence" should be spelled "sense"
Note that the commands only accept one string. Pressing enter
will send the string.

:: Beginning

.:. IDLE

When you are idle for a certain amount of ticks, you are
automatically set to 'idle' status.  When you look at the
who list, you will often see people with (idle) by their
name.  This means they have not been active for some time,
and are possibly away from the keyboard, or otherwise

See Also:  AFK, Playback, Tell

:: Beginning


                  Help Information for Illian

SIGIL:  Nine golden bees arranged in a diamond; The Golden Bees
BANNER:  Nine golden bees on a field of dark green.
Fringed in gold if the sovereign is present.
SYMBOLS:  The Laurel Crown
RESOURCES:  Sea, land and river trade, rugs, textiles, leather goods.

The southern nation of Illian lies on the coast of the Sea
of Storms, bordering Altara and Murandy to the west, and Tear
to the east, south of the Plains of Maredo.  Illian is famous
for its involvement in the Whitecloak War under King Mattin
Stepaneos den Balgar, as well as the place where the Great
Hunt for the Horn is called.  The nation's military might is
formidable, but elite among them are the Companions of Illian,
whose intervention, it is said, saved Mattin Stepaneos from
defeat in the Whitecloak War.

Traditionally, in the past, Illian has been ruled by a King,
the Council of Nine, and an advisory body known as the Assemblage.
Recently however, Illian has fallen to Rand al'Thor, the Dragon
Reborn, who now holds the Laurel Crown.  It is unknown what
happened to Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar, or the mysterious Lord
Brend who held sway over the Council of Nine for a time.

Illian's capital city is named for the nation itself, and
is built over marshy grasslands along the coast of the Sea
of Storms.  The city is criss-crossed with canals and bridges,
with the great Square of Tammaz at the very center.  Here, the
palaces of the Council of Nine and the King are located across
from one another.  The Council palace, however, is precisely
two feet smaller in every dimension, testament to an ancient
feud between the Council of Nine, and the first King of Illian,
who famously told them, "You may have any place you wish, so
long as it is not larger than mine."  Both palaces are equally
majestic, built by the Ogier, with airy balconies, slender towers,
and purple roofs.

Illian is a major seaport, and a manufacturing center for fine
rugs and textiles, as well as leather goods.  Illian's production
of finished leather is the largest in the Westlands, and vast
tanneries cover a number of small islands in the marsh grass,
creating a distinctive aroma to the natural stench of the local
marshy terrain.

The port city is home to a large fishing fleet, which provides
most of Illian's food supplies, while still leaving enough to
export to neighboring countries.  The bay is always crowded
with fishing boats, merchant crafts, and Seafolk rakers.  The
city's port district is known as the Perfumed Quarter, though
its 'perfume' is the stench of hemp and pitch and sour harbor
mud.  It is generally viewed as a seedy area, enough so that
even the nobles and magistrates tend to turn a blind eye to
what transpires there.

See Also:  Illianers and Horn of Valere

:: Beginning


                    Illianers and Illianer Fashions

The people of the nation of Illian are known as 'Illianers'.

Illianers speak very fast, with a distinctive accent.  

For example:
"The day do be getting brighter."
"I do no care do you be smarter than me!"

Other Illianer Sayings:

"Fortune prick me!"
"Light preserve me!"
"Fortune preserve me."
"Fortune desert you!" (Illianer curse)
"Burn my soul!" (Illianer curse)


Illianers vary in appearance, usually with a southern tan,
dark hair and light eyes.  Gray eyes do not seem to be unusual.  

Illianer men wear long coats with raised collars and usually
wear their hair shoulder-length, with square-cut beards that
leave their upper lips bare.  Many lords also wear boots that
are fringed with gold or silver.

Women, both highborn and low, favor wide-brimmed hats held in
place by long scarves wound around the neck.  Illianer women
usually wear dresses that are of a light material for the warm
southern climate.  Noblewomen wear silk dresses, with low neck-
lines to show their natural assest to best advantage.  Their
skirts are usually cut above the ankle, to show off their
slippers, which are usually decorated with gold or silver.

The Companions of Illian wear burnished armor and burnished
conical helmets, with green coats with gold cuffs.

Servants of the Royal Palace wear green and yellow livery.

See Also:  Illian

:: Beginning

.:. Illuminators Guild

The Guild of Illuminators

"The best secret to reveal is the face behind a lady's veil, the most deadly
is that of an Illuminator's spark."
-Saying in Tanchico

****Book Information****

In the World of the Wheel of time, the Illuminators alone hold the secrets
that unlock fireworks, and with that, gunpowder and explosive weaponry.  This
secret is guarded jealously, and anyone that may have discovered a way  to
break their monopoly is killed.  

Using their knowledge only to produce colorful fireworks, the Illuminators
make huge profits off of their displays.  Usually, they sell their services
by arranging performances for lords, wealthy merchants, and kings.  However,
they also sell lesser fireworks with dire warnings: anyone who tampers with
the firework will cause it to explode, leading to their death.

****Game Information****

In the books, the Illuminators only had two chapterhouses, one in Tanchico,
and one in Cairhien.  While both were destroyed, they exist at this point in
the game.  Furthermore,there is a third chapterhouse in Caemlyn.  While
prewipe, we were known to take outsiders, that is no longer an option.
Illuminators, like Aiel, must be born into the guild.  The
Illuminator GLs
will be more than happy to help you come up with an appropriate background.

The Illuminator's Guild is performance oriented, please don't join expecting
to be able to blow people up.  Under most circumstances, in a combat situation,
smoke and flash bombs will be used to aid in an Illuminator's escape.  At all
times outside of the chapterhouse, an Illuminator must be accompanied by a
bodyguard.  Trainees are not allowed to leave the chapterhouse.

For information about being guilded, please refer to
the guild requirements board.

Thank You,
The Management

:: Beginning


An Immortal is a player that has been elevated to a special status.
Immortals keep the mud together for the players to have more fun.

The imms are divided into departments, the tag in front of their names
indicating the dept.

[Implementor] Duren
[Head Builder] Ayasha
[Guild Imm] Rissa

To see a list of all the current Immortal players, enter 'wizlist.'

:: Beginning

.:. IMMS

An Immortal is a player that has been elevated to a special status.
Immortals keep the mud together for the players to have more fun.

The imms are divided into departments, the tag in front of their names
indicating the dept.

[Implementor] Duren
[Head Builder] Ayasha
[Guild Imm] Rissa

To see a list of all the current Immortal players, enter 'wizlist.'

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

IMOTD displays the Immortal Message of the Day.

> imotd

See also: MOTD

:: Beginning


These are the most powerful Immortals on the MUD. Basically, they
are the Administrators of the MUD, making the decisions on where to
take the MUD and deciding where the MUDs priorities lie. To see a
list of all the current Implementors, as well as other Immortals and
their various departments, type <wizlist>

See also: Immortals

:: Beginning

.:. Implode Spell

Please use syntax
inform 'implode' to see information about this weave.

Implode is reserved for use by the Asha'man guild.

:: Beginning

.:. In Character

-------------------- IC and OOC --------------------

Some basic concepts:

A character is the person that you play. He/she can be good, evil, or
anywhere in between. You have complete control over your character's

A player is you, the person sitting over the keyboard staring at
the monitor.

In Character (or IC for short) is the mode your character is in.
Everything he/she says or does affects the world of a Moment in Tyme
to some extent. It is advised to be IC as much as possible, since that
is the main focus of the MUD. You are always assumed to be IC, unless
clearly marked otherwise.

Out of Character (or OOC for short) includes anything you,
the player, say to anyone else. All channels of communication (tells,
gdt, obviously the OOC channel) are assumed to be OOC, unless clearly
marked otherwise.

NOTE: It is not acceptable to request help with an IC situation
your character might be in using OOC means, or to use OOC information
in an IC manner. If in doubt, ask a member of the Immortal staff.

See also: Emote, Pemote, Say

:: Beginning

.:. In-Character

-------------------- IC and OOC --------------------

Some basic concepts:

A character is the person that you play. He/she can be good, evil, or
anywhere in between. You have complete control over your character's

A player is you, the person sitting over the keyboard staring at
the monitor.

In Character (or IC for short) is the mode your character is in.
Everything he/she says or does affects the world of a Moment in Tyme
to some extent. It is advised to be IC as much as possible, since that
is the main focus of the MUD. You are always assumed to be IC, unless
clearly marked otherwise.

Out of Character (or OOC for short) includes anything you,
the player, say to anyone else. All channels of communication (tells,
gdt, obviously the OOC channel) are assumed to be OOC, unless clearly
marked otherwise.

NOTE: It is not acceptable to request help with an IC situation
your character might be in using OOC means, or to use OOC information
in an IC manner. If in doubt, ask a member of the Immortal staff.

See also: Emote, Pemote, Say

:: Beginning


The method of getting paid is based on rp.  The number of players
in the same room and the speed of posts are factors in how often
a player gets paid.

Players are charged 'rent' as well at regular intervals and it is
a fraction of total coin possessed so that the more a player has
the more they are charged.

At the moment, money has no use.  When equipment is reimplemented
players will be charged an amount that corresponds to the
power/stats/etc of the gear.

:: Beginning


ENTER LEAVE DRAG PUSH EMOTE       |--------Information:--------------------
------Objects:--------------------| TEMPLATE SHOW <#>
GRAB INVENTORY EQUIPMENT REMOVE   |--------Utility:------------------------
------Combat:---------------------| AUTO AREAS REPEAT TITLE DOING ALIAS
See: TURN-BASED COMBAT            |
POLICY PK, POLICY OCS        |--------Player:-------------------------
----------------------------------| TRAINING FLOWSTRENGTH AFFECTED EQ
Further information available:    | TALENTS EXP
HELP <keyword>, keyword being a   |
command. Ex. "HELP TIMELINE"      | NOTE: see "HELP GUILDS" for guild info.

:: Beginning


Entering this command informs you of the Preconditions for a spell
or a skill. You must meet the prereqs of a skill or spell before you
are able to learn it.

> inform '<spell|skill>'
> inform 'lightning'
> inform 'conceal trail'

Note that the spell or skill MUST be enclosed in single quotes for
the command to recognize what skill you seek the preconds for.

See also: Preconditions, Skills, Spells

:: Beginning


It is a good idea to read these every once in a while.
They contain useful information.

newbie          - read this if you are new here
handbook        - a guide to roleplaying on A Moment in Tyme
policy          - policies on topics like player killing
credits         - the people who made MikkiMUD possible!
version         - displays the current MikkiMUD version number.
motd            - shows the message of the day, what you see when you log on
who -v          - displays a list of people able to help you with the game.
update          - see IC news and rumors of what has been going on recently.
wizlist         - a list of the current Staff on A Moment in Tyme
unread          - shows which boards you have unread posts on.

See also: Webpages, MITupdate

:: Beginning

.:. Infrigidation Spell

Please use syntax
inform 'infrigidation' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning


Int was removed from MM3 as a stat and no longer applies to
your char. It was also removed from score.

:: Beginning


All of the items you are carrying are stored within your inventory.
Type <inventory> for a list of the items you are currently carrying.

Raising your
STR increases the amount of weight you can carry in
your inventory. Raising your
DEX increases the amount of items you
are able to hold.

Note that this does NOT list the items you are wielding, holding,
wearing, or those that are stored within other items in your inventory.
To see any items you have equipped, type

See also: Equipment, Put, Get

:: Beginning


This command, similar to the <weave> command, allows you to invert
your weaves so that only you can see them. It is instant for the weave
used. This is not a violent weave and can only be used on any weave you
already know.

A thing to remember about inverting weaves is if a weave will be
visible after weaving normally (ie: Everyone can see a fireball, for
example), invert will only stop people from seeing that you are the
one weaving.

> invert '<weave name>' <target>
> invert 'call fire' vryce

Invert is not available to PCs.

See also: Mask Channeling

:: Beginning


This command, similar to the <weave> command, allows you to invert
your weaves so that only you can see them. It is instant for the weave
used. This is not a violent weave and can only be used on any weave you
already know.

A thing to remember about inverting weaves is if a weave will be
visible after weaving normally (ie: Everyone can see a fireball, for
example), invert will only stop people from seeing that you are the
one weaving.

> invert '<weave name>' <target>
> invert 'call fire' vryce

Invert is not available to PCs.

See also: Mask Channeling

:: Beginning

.:. Invigorate Spell

Please use syntax
inform 'invigorate' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

wizi <level>

WIZI sets your invisibility level.  With no argument, wizi toggles between
making you fully visible and fully invisible.  If you specify a level, only
people with trust at and above the level you specify will be able to see you.

> wizi
> wizi 31

:: Beginning


This weave allows one to make themselves vanish from sight,
though if you move, it will break the weave, revealing them
once again.

See also: Visible

:: Beginning


This weave allows one to make themselves vanish from sight,
though if you move, it will break the weave, revealing them
once again.

See also: Visible

:: Beginning


**This talent allows one to resist mind weaves like compulsion
better than most. It can also make certain kinds of damage less
effective, and possibly help those who are tainted resist the
effects of the taint on Saidin.

See also: Nonchanneling Talents

:: Beginning


**This talent allows one to resist mind weaves like compulsion
better than most. It can also make certain kinds of damage less
effective, and possibly help those who are tainted resist the
effects of the taint on Saidin.

See also: Nonchanneling Talents

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page