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Please select by the first letter of the name or type in your search below:

- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -


Before selling an item to a shop, you can ask the shopkeeper how much
he or she is willing to pay for it.

> value <item>
> value shield

See also: Shops, Buy, Sell

:: Beginning

.:. viewtext

These commands let you edit your personal text repository.

edittext <name>
- start a new editing session with the named file in the editor
viewtext <name>
- view the contents of an existing file
listtext <name>
- view all files owned by you that begin with <name>
  ie listtext /descriptions will list all files that begin
  with /descriptions
deltext <name>
- delete the named file

:: Beginning


Entering this command while you are invisible, or Wizinvis if you
are an Immortal, will break your invisibility.

> visible

See also: Invisibility, Wizinvis

:: Beginning

.:. VNUM

Immortals Only

vnum <mob|obj> <name>

Gives a list of the virtual numbers of objects or mobiles which have the
specified name.

> vnum obj sung
> vnum mob trolloc

:: Beginning

.:. VOTE

A Moment in Tyme has a complex voting booth to aid the staff in
gathering the thoughts and views of the mortals. To enter the
voting booth, simply type:

> vote

Once inside the voting booth, enter the letter of the topic you
wish to vote on. After choosing a topic to vote upon, type in
the letter of your vote. Some topics allow multiple votes. Each
topic will state a detailed description of the topic, and how many
times you can vote on that topic. Use '
Q' to exit from each
poll, and to exit from the booth when at the poll selection menu.

See Also: Dreport

:: Beginning


A Moment in Tyme has a complex voting booth to aid the staff in
gathering the thoughts and views of the mortals. To enter the
voting booth, simply type:

> vote

Once inside the voting booth, enter the letter of the topic you
wish to vote on. After choosing a topic to vote upon, type in
the letter of your vote. Some topics allow multiple votes. Each
topic will state a detailed description of the topic, and how many
times you can vote on that topic. Use '
Q' to exit from each
poll, and to exit from the booth when at the poll selection menu.

See Also: Dreport

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

vstat <mob|obj> <virtual number>

Used to stat a prototypical mobile or object by virtual number.

> vstat obj 3000
> vstat mob 3001

See also: Stat, Vnum, Load

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page