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     M i k k i M U D   1 . 0

MikkiMUD is derived from CircleMUD 3.0

All changes and improvements was coded by:

J D Meade                  - Set/Wretched
Rick Cain                  - Dini
J Robert Brown             - Dante
Pontus Lidman              - Pontus
Mattias Lonnqvist          - Mattias
Frederic Ouellet           - Willy
Per-Erik Jonsson           - Purjo
Mattias Borgstrom          - Borgstrom

None of this would have been possibly without the support of all the IMMs
at Moment in Tyme, thanx!

A special thanx to Mikki for making all of this possible.

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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