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A Moment in Tyme is a RolePlaying MUD, in the setting of the Wheel of Time
books written by Robert Jordan.

To See:                                                      Type:

Helpful locations in one of the MUD's main cities:          
help caemlyn
An Overview of a Moment in Tyme's roleplaying history:      
Information about the Guilds you can join:                  
help multiguild

What IC and OOC mean:                                        
help ic
What kind of Quests are available to you:                    
help quest

The communication options available to you:                  
help channels
For help on our mudmail system:                              
help mail

What kinds of skills you have or can get:                    
help skills

Policies enforced in a Moment in Tyme:                      
How to find out what's been happening ICly:                  

If you have a question, ask using the
newbie channel. To do this,
simply type "
newbie <text>." For example, "newbie Hey all. Where am I?"
would produce the following:

[Newbie] (Your Name) : Hey all. Where am I?

See Also: Handbook roleplay, Information

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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