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There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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