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Lists the people currently in the game.  Some people may be invisible.
Command-line options can be used to limit the listing.  The parameters
can be specified on the command-line in any order.

> who [-n sname] [-s] [-q] [-r] [-g]

-n : lists only people whose names or titles contain <sname>
-s : lists names in the short form
-q : lists everyone currently in a Quest
-a : lists only people in your room
-r : lists the rank and subrank of online members of your guild
-i : lists all visible Immortals
-b : lists only people who are on the builder channel (builders only)
-v : lists only people who are Visitor Guides
-z : lists all online Guild Leaders
-m : when used with your multiguild tag(s), lists the online
     members of your multiguild.

> who -m <guild tag> -r
Lists the online members of your guild, and their ranks.

> who -n mikki
Lists everyone named Mikki, or with the word mikki in their title.

See also: Whois

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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