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The information in this document pertains to IMMS.

Congrats on your new IMM character! Read "HANDBOOK IMM" before using your new
powers. =)

To go to a certain room/person, try GOTO <person|room#>.
To bring someone to you, try TRANS <name>.
To teleport someone from someplace to another, try TELE <name> <location>.
Check out the IMMboard, GOTO 1204.
Need to trans/tele a Mort home?  Try Oval, 16000.

To make a mob/obj, try LOAD <mob|obj> <vnum>.
To see something's vnum, try VNUM <mob|obj|room> <name>.
To stat something you load, try STAT <name>.
STAT can be used for players, mobs, objs, and rooms.
To change something on a mob, try MSET <name> <field> <value>.
To force a mob to do something, try MFORCE <name|room> <action>.

CHECKING OUT PLAYERS:                           GUILDGODS:
score <player>          eq <player>             add <player> (joins/removes)
inven <player>          showskill <player>      rank <player> <rankname>
forms <player>          set <player> subrank <player> <subrankname>

Want to see Roomflags?  Try ROOMFLAGS.
Want to see in the dark? Try HOLYLIGHT.
Sick of being attacked? Try NOHASSLE.
Sick of being seen? Try WIZI <level>

Page, Wiznet, Switch, Snoop             Mute, Notitle, Purge, Slay

To see all commands available to you, enter WIZHELP.
Help is available on almost all of these commands, if you need help, feel
free to ask over Wiznet.

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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