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It is a good idea to read these every once in a while.
They contain useful information.

newbie          - read this if you are new here
handbook        - a guide to roleplaying on A Moment in Tyme
policy          - policies on topics like player killing
credits         - the people who made MikkiMUD possible!
version         - displays the current MikkiMUD version number.
motd            - shows the message of the day, what you see when you log on
who -v          - displays a list of people able to help you with the game.
update          - see IC news and rumors of what has been going on recently.
wizlist         - a list of the current Staff on A Moment in Tyme
unread          - shows which boards you have unread posts on.

See also: Webpages, MITupdate

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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