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Storytellers are basically Event Immortals made mortals, governed
by the Event Department as basically a sub-guild of the department.
They will set the requirements and policies to become one, but the
commands for a storyteller are as follows:

questadd  <name>      (add someone to the current quest)
questrem  <name>      (remove someone from the current quest)
questlock <on/off>    (turns the questlock on or off)
questend              (ends the quest)

echo  <message>       (sends a message to the room you are in)
zecho <message>       (sends a message to the zone you are in)
qecho <message>       (sends a message to the quest you are in)

story <questor>       (allows you to trans someone in your quest to your room)

SEE ALSO: quest, echo


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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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