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                    Illianers and Illianer Fashions

The people of the nation of Illian are known as 'Illianers'.

Illianers speak very fast, with a distinctive accent.  

For example:
"The day do be getting brighter."
"I do no care do you be smarter than me!"

Other Illianer Sayings:

"Fortune prick me!"
"Light preserve me!"
"Fortune preserve me."
"Fortune desert you!" (Illianer curse)
"Burn my soul!" (Illianer curse)


Illianers vary in appearance, usually with a southern tan,
dark hair and light eyes.  Gray eyes do not seem to be unusual.  

Illianer men wear long coats with raised collars and usually
wear their hair shoulder-length, with square-cut beards that
leave their upper lips bare.  Many lords also wear boots that
are fringed with gold or silver.

Women, both highborn and low, favor wide-brimmed hats held in
place by long scarves wound around the neck.  Illianer women
usually wear dresses that are of a light material for the warm
southern climate.  Noblewomen wear silk dresses, with low neck-
lines to show their natural assest to best advantage.  Their
skirts are usually cut above the ankle, to show off their
slippers, which are usually decorated with gold or silver.

The Companions of Illian wear burnished armor and burnished
conical helmets, with green coats with gold cuffs.

Servants of the Royal Palace wear green and yellow livery.

See Also:  Illian

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 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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