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If a player decides after character creation that he wishes to have
talents added or removed from his pfile, an Immortal can adjust the
selected talents and restore any experience lost (or gained) as a
result of the new leveling modifier (if applicable).  It is not
necessary to delete and remake a character from scratch through
character generation.  Speak with an Immortal if you feel you would
like to explore options for altering the talent choices you made at

Use the 'Listtal' command to list all of the possible talents.

Within some limits, this can be used for existing characters as
roleplay provides opportunities for changes in a set of talents.
For questions regarding late-term talent changes for an existing
character, speak with an Immortal.

If your PC has suffered death and you are renaming your pfile, an
Immortal will help you reallocate your talents and relevel you to
allow you to create your new identity.  See Policy Remort for more
information on recreating after IC Death.

See also: Death

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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