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Please select by the first letter of the name or type in your search below:

- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -


$i - The keywords (aliases) for the mob
$I - The mobs short description (Usually it's name)
$n - If the victim can see the mob (IE:  Not dark or has a light), the keywords (aliases) for mob, otherwise 'someone'.
$N - If the victim can see the mob (IE:  Not dark or has a light), the short description (Usually it's name) for mob, otherwise 'someone'.
$t - The keywords (aliases) for the victim of any given action.
$T - The name or short description of the victim of any given action.
$r - The keywords (aliases) for a random character in the room with the mob.
$R - The name or short description of a random character in the room with the mob.
$q - The keywords (aliases) for the target of a mob (Whoever activated the trigger).
$Q - The name or short description of the target of a mob (Whoever activated the trigger).
$j - he/she/it depending on sex of the mob.
$e - he/she/it depending on sex of the mob, or 'someone' if room is dark and player has no light, or if player is blind, etc.
$E - he/she/it depending on sex of the victim of a given action.
$J - he/she/it depending on sex of random character in room with mob.
$X - he/she/it of mob's target (Whoever activated the trigger.)
$k - him/her/it depending on sex of mob.
$m - him/her/it depending on sex of character initiating an action.
$M - him/her/it depending on sex of victim of any given action.
$K - him/her/it depending on sex of random victim chosen from room.
$Y - him/her/it of mob-prog's target.
$l - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob
$s - his/hers/its depending on sex of character that initiated action.
$S - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob, or 'someone' if character can not see mob.
$L - his/hers/its depending on sex of random character from room.
$Z - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob-prog target.
$o - first keyword (alias) of object.
$O - short description of object.
$p - First keyword (alias) from second object
$P - Short description of second object.

$0 through $9 - User defined variables.  You may store data in these variables
              - using the "mob store" command.  Example:  mob store 1 $N
              - The above example would store the value of $N in variable $1
              - $1 will remain available for all scripts running under the
              - current mob, so these can be used to pass data back and forth
              - between scripts.

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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