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mob gecho [string]  - Prints the argument to all active players in the game
mob zecho [string]  - Prints the argument to all players in the same area as the
                    - mob
mob asound [string] - Prints the argument to all the rooms around the mobile
mob junk [item]     - Lets the mobile destroy an object in its inventory.  it
                    - can also destroy a worn object and it can destroy items
                    - using all.xxxxx or just plain all of them
mob echoaround [victim] [string] - Prints the message to everyone in the room
                    - other than the mob and victim
mob echoat [victim] [string] - Prints the message to only the victim
mob mpecho [string] - Prints the message to the room at large
mob mload [vnum]    - Lets the mobile load another mobile.
mob oload [vnum] [level] {R} - Lets the mobile load an object.  The third
                    - argument is option, if you omit it, it loads to mob's
                    - inventory, specify 'R' to load to room, or 'W' to load to
                    - mobile and then force it to wear it.
mob purge {target}  - Lets the mobile purge all objects and other NPCs in the
                    - room, or purge a specified object or mob in the room. The
                    - mobile cannot purge itself for safety reasons.
mob goto [location] - Lets the mobile goto any location it wishes that is not
                    - private.
mob at [location] [commands] - Lets the mobile do a command at another location.
mob transfer [target|'all'] [location] - Lets the mobile transfer people.  The
                    - 'all' argument transfers everyone in the current room to
                    - the specified location
mob gtransfer [victim] [location] - Lets the mobile transfer all chars in same
                    - group as the victim.
mob force [victim] [commands] - Lets the mobile force someone to do something.
                    - Must be mortal level and the all argument only affects
                    - those in the room with the mobile.
mob gforce [victim] [commands] - Lets the mobile force a group something. Must
                    - be mortal level.
mob vforce [vnum] [commands] - Forces all mobiles of certain vnum to do
                    - something (except mob calling this command)
mob cast [spell] {target} - Lets the mobile cast spells -- Beware: this does
                    - only crude checking on the target validity and does not
                    - account for mana etc., so you should do all the necessary
                    - checking in your mob program before issuing this cmd!
mob store # [data]  - Store <data> in register number #, where # is an integer
                    - value from 0 to 9.  Stored data may be accessed by using
                    - $ codes.  For example, if you store something in register
                    - #0, you may access it by using $0 in your script.
set [code] [value]  - Stores value in code, where code may be either 'o' or 'p'.
                    - a code of 'o' sets the $o variable to point at the object
                    - of your choice.  'p' sets $p.  This option is useful for
                    - trigger types such as CMD, GREET, EXIT, etc, where no
                    - target object is set.  Scripts called by these triggers
                    - will not have a valid $o or $p and therefore can not use
                    - the object specific functions.  This command allows you
                    - to manually specify an object so you can then use
                    - functions which require $o or $p.
mob reward [player|room] [amount] - Reward player or entire room with
                    - questpoints.
mob rewardexp [player|room] [amount] - Reward player or entire room with exp.
mob rememberperm [victim] [data] - Permanently remember [data] about [victim]
mob forgetperm [victim] [data] - Forget data saved by rememberperm.
mob remember [victim] - Lets the mobile to remember a target. The target can be
                    - referred to with $q and $Q codes in MOBprograms. See also
                    - "mob forget".
mob forget          - Reverse of "mob remember".
mob delay [seconds] - Sets a delay for MOBprogram execution. When the delay time
                    - expires, the mobile is checked for a MObprogram with DELAY
                    - trigger, and if one is found, it is executed. Delay is
                    - counted in seconds.
mob cancel          - Reverse of "mob delay", deactivates the timer.
mob pause [pulses]  - *DEPRECATED*  (Use 'halt' instead)
                    - Pause execution of script.  There are 10 pulses per second
                    - therefore the delay is in 10ths of seconds.
halt [puleses]      - Pause execution of a script.  Works the same as mob pause
                    - on the front end, but the back end works completely
                    - different.  mob pause has issues with multiple scripts
                    - pausing at the same time.  'halt' does not, and is the
                    - preferred way to delay execution of a script at this time.
mob call [vnum] [victim|'null'] [object1|'null'] [object2|'null'] - Lets the
                    - mobile to call another MOBprogram withing a MOBprogram.
mob otransfer [item name] [location] - Lets the mobile to transfer an object.
                    - The object must be in the same room with the mobile.
mob remove [victim] [object vnum|'all'] - Lets the mobile to strip an object or
                    - all objects from the victim. Useful for removing e.g.
                    - quest objects from a character.
mob affect [victim] [type/skill] [duration] [modifier] [location] [bitvector]
                    - Adds an 'affect' to a player:
    [type/skill]    - The skill used to create the affect (hide, sneak, etc)
    [duration]      - How many ticks does the affect last
    [modifier]      - Some affects can modify stats.  This specifies how much the modifier should be.  use 0 if you're not modifying a stat.
    [location]      - If the affect modifies stats, which stat do we modify?  Specify 'none' if you don't need to modify a stat.
    [bitvector]     - Similar to [type/skill], but this is the actual 'affect' type that is applied to the character.  They are usually named similar to the type/skill above.
mob setskill [victim] [skill] [+/-][level]
                    - The +/- is optional.  Specify + to increase a skill by a certain amount.  - to decrease.  Simply specify a number to set to a static value.

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 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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