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The unit of weight measurement in the Wheel of Time series was as follows:

10 ounces = 1 pound
10 pounds = 1 stone
10 stone  = 1 hundredweight
10 hundredweight = 1 ton

While this makes calculations easier, it does not allow measurements to be easily
understood by players/readers.  In order to make things more comparable to real
world weights, A Moment in Tyme has adopted British Imperial units for weight:

16 drams  = 1 ounce
16 ounces = 1 pound
14 pounds = 1 stone
8 stone  = 1 hundredweight
20 hundredweight = 1 ton

These match up with real world weights very closely so you can better comprehend
the units being used.  To convert between book units and our units, we assume
that one 'pound' in the Wheel of Time world matches one 'pound' in the real
world, thus it is the other units that need to be converted.

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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