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.:. FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I see anything?
-If it's dark where you are, ask a friendly Immortal to get you a torch
so you can see.

I'm naked! How do I get clothes?
-Right now equipment is being slowly transitioned in as we get the shops
and combat up and running.  Don't worry too much about what it shows on
your character equipment list.  We basically go by
description, which can
be created by you without the need for external equipment.  To learn how
to write a good one, see '
help description'.

Why can't I kill that chicken/cow/thief/Lord of the Tower?
-Presently we are completely revamping our combat system - along with
several other function of our code - and the ability to attack has been
disabled while we get the new system in place.  Check out '
help mitupdate'
for information on our progress.

What do you mean by "RP"?
-A Moment in Tyme is an Roleplay-intensive MUD, which means that while
we have most of the standard functions of a 'regular' MUD, our focus is on
Roleplay, specifically within the Wheel of Time setting.  See '
help Roleplay'
for a list of helpfiles regarding how RP works around here.

What's the Wheel of Time?
-The Wheel of Time is a fantasy series written by Robert Jordan (and
finished by Brandon Sanderson).  If you haven't read the series, that's ok.
You might find it a little challenging to understand some of the world-
specific details, but there is a wealth of information online to help fill
in the gaps, or, of course, our
Visitor's Guides, Immortals, and friendly
players will help answer any questions you have about the setting.

How do I talk to people?
-We have a multitude of chat channels that you can use to communicate, as
well as private messaging and mudmail.  The channel names are all displayed
out to the left of any channel you see, and they're all colorcoded, but the
ones to know at first are
OOC and Newbie.  Just type 'ooc <text>' to talk to
the MUD community or '
newbie <text>' to communicate with the Visitor's Guides
Immortals.  To send someone a private message, type 'tell <name> <text>'.
Mailing is as simple as '
mail <name>'.

How do I know who is online to talk to?
-Type 'who' to see the list of characters currently online.

I want a nifty long listing on the 'who' list!
-Type 'title <text>' to change the way your name reads on the 'who' list. Checking
help colorcodes' will tell you how to change the colors in your title or anything
else you type.

I want to be a Warder/Asha'man/Hornhunter/damane/Aes Sedai. How do I do that?
-Our associations are set up into Guilds which each have their own requirements
to be accepted.  Type '
template show' to see the list of our Guilds and the
things they require in order to be brought into their ranks.  '
GLList' will get
you a full list of the Guilds and their Guildleaders.

I think I made my character wrong. Do I have to start over?
-While you are welcome to go through character generation again, any Immortal would
be happy to help outfit you with the skills and talents you may have missed.
Typing '
wizlist' will show you full list of Immortals.

What can I do to help?
-If you would like to help with our building efforts, send a mudmail to Ayasha.
If you would like to help with our coding efforts, send a mudmail to

None of this answered my question(s), so what now?
-Our helpfiles are quite extensive and can be found both online at our website and right here in game by typing 'help <topic>'.  Specifically the
help newbie' file is a good place to start. And as always our Visitor's Guides,
Immortals, and friendly players will be happy to answer any questions you have

:: Beginning

.:. FAQ2

A Moment in Tyme is a RolePlaying MUD, in the setting of the Wheel of Time
books written by Robert Jordan. This is some help on how this roleplaying
is organized, based on some frequently asked questions.

Question: What is a Moment in Tyme?
Answer:   A Moment in Tyme (or Tyme, or MiT) is a multiplayer roleplaying
          game set in the world created by Robert Jordan in the nine-book
          series of the Wheel of Time.
          Players in the game control 'characters' who go about acting as
          they would in this universe, trying to achieve their own goals
          or those of their guilds.

Question: How do i kill things?
Answer:   With the switch to version 3.0 of our codebase, the combat system
          was completly removed and work on a new system has been started.  The
          system, as it stands, allows limited fighting between players, and is
          entirely turn based.  It can not be used to attack mobs.  The combat
          system will be finished up in version 3.2 (aka MikkiMUD 3.2 or MM3.2
          for short)

Question: What is a guild?
Answer:   A guild is a group that people of similar backgrounds belong to,
          more or less loosely, ICly: some guilds (like the Aes Sedai) are
          very strict about their members' behavious and membership, while
          others (like Daes Dae'mar, the nobles' guild) is more loosely
          defined to include guards, Lords, Magistrates, etc.
          To get a list of prospect guilds, type "
help guilds".
Question: How do I join a guild?
Answer:   First, you need to decide on which guild(s) you are interested in.
          Then, with examination of the Guilds Recruitment Board (which is not
          In Character, by the way) you can find out what the guild you wish
          to join requires from its applicants.
          That board can be found by typing 'template list'.  ('help template'
          for more information on using the command.)

          Once you follow the instructions, simply type "
seek <guild name>"
          and start roleplaying. Usually, the more popular and influential
          a guild is, the harder it is to get in, demanding more sponsors,
          time, etc - but that is just a rule of thumb. Many "small" guilds
          are quite demanding and seek the highest quality of roleplayers.
Question: Where do I find roleplaying? I don't know anyone!
Answer:   To solve this problem, a Moment in Tyme offers several "tools"
          that can be used to locate others who wish to roleplay.
          To see what these tools do, type: "
help rpseek"
help where"
          In addition, certain rooms in the game's starting city, Caemlyn,
          are usually frequented: although you'll find more, two of them
          are the Oval Plaza, and the Lion's Banner Inn.
Question: Where do I find various places?
Answer:   Type "help newbie" for some starting hints. Also, feel free to
          ask on the newbie channel by typing "
newbie <Question>".
          A good resource to find specific places is found in "
help caemlyn".
Question: Where do I learn skills from?
Answer:   You can pick skills up in two ways:
          a) By another player's character. If you are in roleplay with
             someone, you can ask them to teach you something.
             Note that you are ONLY allowed to teach/be taught skills
             during roleplay, but you do not -need- to be roleplaying about
             being taught something specifically in that time, unless the
             lesson is about Weapon Mastery or Channeling Mastery skills.
          b) Your skills can increase while using them, albeit slowly.

Question: What are forms? Where do I find them? What do they do?
Answer:   Forms are 'moves' that your character may learn to defend himself
          or herself in combat and attack his opponents.

Question: Are there levels? How do I advance? What are RP levels?
Answer:   You can achieve levels by simply roleplaying your character
          Type "
help rplevels" for a description of these levels, and feel
          free to ask any Visitor Guide or Immortal for specifics.

Question: Who is everyone? Where are they?
Answer:   Type "who". If you see a 'tag' before people's names, it
          usually means they are either Immortals - part of the game's
          staff and not In Character entities - , Visitor Guides - who
          are mortal players wishing to help newbies to the game - and
          of course, Guild Leaders, who are in charge of a guild each
          and handle its matters.
          As to where everyone is.. it depends. There are many thousands
          of rooms on a Moment in Tyme, and various cities: when you
          begin your life you are in Caemlyn, the capital of Andor. From
          there you can go anywhere your roleplaying leads you.

Question: But what -is- everyone else?
Answer:   We aren't telling. :) Certain people wish to disclose the truth
          about their characters, especially if they play 'hunted' types
          like darkfriends, or male channelers. Usually unless someone
          tells you in an Out Of Character manner, you only find out
          through roleplaying - if at all.
          However, there are people whose reputations are widely known,
          and your character would have heard of. To learn about such,
          type "
help reputation".

Question: Wow, there are a lot of people with a lot of history.. a LOT.
Answer:   Since the game has been in progress for years, catching up with
          what has been going on might be a challenge. To assist with that,
          there is a history archive split in several IC places to keep
          track of what has taken place before. Type "
help update" for more.

Frequently Asked Questions list is a work in progress: more topics
will be covered as time passes, hopefully answering new players' first
questions about the vast world they are visiting.
If you see things missing from this list, please consult an Immortal for
it to be updated.

:: Beginning

.:. Fast Healer

**This talent allows one to heal quicker than usual physical damage, illness and quite
possibly diseases.  If one is Healed with the power while possessing this talent the
result would be a full recovery.  

*see also: Nonchanneling Talents

:: Beginning


Syntax:  fedit <form name>
         fedit create <form name>
         fedit copy <existing form> <new form>
         fedit save [form name]
         fedit reload [form name]
         fedit list
Options enclosed in <> are required, [] are optional.

FEDIT is the editor for combats forms. Typing fedit will bring up
categories of information about the forms. The categories are Basic,
Mods, Text, and Exclusive.

BASICS includes basic information about the form, what weapons it
works with, character stances, etc.

MODS is a list of modifiers that include things like the speed and
force of the form.

TEXT includes all of the text that will be seen be players while
using the forms.

EXCLUSIVES are special text that are unique to that particular type of form.

Typing the category name will expand or collapse the corresponding
information in the form editor.

Typing COMMANDS while in FEDIT will give you a full list of commands
that you can use to input and change form information. All of the
commands support act codes that affect what plays will see when using
the forms. HELP ACT CODES gives a complete list of the codes.

NOTICE: Options enclosed in <> are required, [] are optional.

fedit <form name>
  - This opens the named form inside FEDIT.
fedit create <form name>
  - This will create a new form with the given name.
fedit copy <existing form> <new form>
  - This will all of the information from an existing form into a new form name.
fedit save [form name]
  - This will save your current form information.
  - Notice that [form name] is optional.  If you don't specify a form, all
     forms will be saved.
  - Once inside FEDIT you can simply type 'save' to save the current form.
fedit reload [form name]
  - Again notice that [form name] is optional.  If you fail to specify a form
     name it will reload *all* forms.
  - This will reload a previously written form. If changes were
    made to a form and you decided to revert back to the original
    without saving, this is the option you would use.
fedit list
  - This will give a complete list of all forms on the MUD.

Once you type 'fedit', you enter the form editor and all commands you typed
will first be interpreted by FEDIT.  Then if the command doesn't exist it will
be sent to the MUD.  When you are finished editing a form you can exit FEDIT by
typing 'done'.  This allows you to continue using regular MUD commands while
editing forms.

Sub-Command listing:  (Type 'help fedit <sub-command>' for more information on
specific sub commands listed here)

commands         List valid commands
create           Create a new form.
delete           Deletes a form
basics           Expand/Collapse 'Basics' section
mods             Expand/Collapse 'Mods' section
text             Expand/Collapse 'Text' section
exclusives       Expand/Collapse 'Exclusives' section
form_type        Set the form type (dodge/block/attack/flourish/recovery)
name             Set the name of the form
class_name       Set the class of the form
secondary_id     See 'help fedit secondary_id'
flags            Set form flags (teachable/learnable/decrement/exotic)
tier             Set form tier between levels 0 and 4
damage type      Set the damage type (none/slashing/crushing/piercing/unarmed)
endurance_cost   Set the endurance requirement for using form
initial          Set the text displayed when form is initially invoked
critical         Set the text for when a critical failure occurs
unblocked        Set the text if form succeeds without being blocked
blocked          Set the text if form is blocked by victim
modifier         Set the modifiers for the form
areas_allowed    Specify what areas a form may be used in
weapons_allowed  Specify valid weapons for the form
regions          Specify valid bodypart regions form may be used against
deflection_dire  Specify the direction of deflection
attack_directio  Specify the direction of attack
orientation      Specify where player has to be in relation to victim
                 e.g. (front/behind/left/right/all/none)
stance           Specify required stance for ch or victim (standing/sitting)
special          Specify any special procedures to handle special circumstances
list             List all forms in the game
save             Save a form
reload           Reload a form
show             Display the current stats of currently opened form

Again this is only a brief synopsis.  Please see:  'help fedit <sub-command>'
to get more information on specific subcommands.    

In order to set a form on a player, use the SETFORM command.
It works exactly like the SETSKILL command.

NOTE: Forms are quite buggy at the moment and can crash the MUD so if
any testing is done on the BuilderPort please make sure to do so when
anyone is building.  As special test port has been created for editing forms
or testing other combat related items.  It currently runs at port


:: Beginning


'areas_allowed' is a hack to combine the area data from room_data.sector_type
(integers) and room_data.room_flags (bitvector) into one single bitvector.  
Both are defined in structs.h.  I did this because I really want all this data
in one spot, so combat.c is simpler and so fedit.c only needs one command to
set them all (it's cluttered enough as it is - size of the menu is becoming an
issue).  This only works because there is no overlap between the two
definitions - all bits less than 19 in room_flags should never be used in
combat.  This does allow for expansion to terrain types, like desert, at a
later date.  Add them where they belong in sector_type, and use the
corresponding bits below (10 - 18) to incorporate them to fedit. -Nico

Syntax:  areas_allowed <arg>
  -or-:  area <arg>
    Ex: area forest

:: Beginning


'attack_direction' sets the angle of attack for attacks, and the angle(s) the
defense works against if the form is defensive.  The 4 most significant bits of this bitvector handle orientation (modified by 'orientation)'.  Attacks are
listed in draw_punchbag_a (cuz it was easier to explain visually with integer
angles than it was to call everything 'diagonally_downward_left_to_right', or
'diagonally_upward_left_to_right' etc.  Plus I just really wanted a funny function that drew pictures.

Syntax:  attack_direction ə/2/.../10/all/none>
  -or-:  attack ə/2/.../10/all/none>
   ***Attack Angles***    
       '7'   |   '1'          
         *   |   *            
          *  V  *            
     '6'-->  X  <--'2'        
          *  ^  *            
         *   |   *            
       '5'   |   '3'          
'8': Dead On (Thrusts)  
'9': Thrown                    
'10': Undefined (none)          

The 'X' is the defender, and he's facing us (attacker).
    Ex:  attack 2

:: Beginning


Below are the various text fields that are the code's version of player emotes.
The text is broken up into what the character sees, what the victim sees, and
what everybody else in the room sees.  It is further divided by the combat
settings of the character (like aggressiveness).


* initial
* critical
* unblocked
* blocked

Syntax:  initial <message recipient> <aggressiveness> <text>
         critical <message recipient> <failure type> <text>
    Ex:  critical to_char fall Your pivot foot skips beneath you as you kick -
you fall heavily to the ground!
         unblocked <message recipient> <followthru> <text>
         blocked <message recipient> <partial|complete> <normal|extreme> <text>

Valid choices for <message recipient>:

* to_character   -- Message displayed to character who invoked the form.
* to_victim      -- Message displayed to victim (Character that form is being
                     invoked against)
* to_room        -- Message displayed to everyone *else* in the room.

Valid choices for <aggressiveness>:
* normal
* aggressive
* reckless

Valid choices for <failure type>:
* fall
* stumble-recover
* lose weapon
* counter
* penalty-free

Valid choices for <followthru>:
* practice
* normal
* extreme

NOTE:  See 'help act codes' for information on the act codes ($-codes) that can
be embedded in the <text> portion to refer to things such as the players name,
the bodypart being targeted, or the name of the form.

See Also:  ACT CODES

:: Beginning


Below are the various text fields that are the code's version of player emotes.
The text is broken up into what the character sees, what the victim sees, and
what everybody else in the room sees.  It is further divided by the combat
settings of the character (like aggressiveness).


* initial
* critical
* unblocked
* blocked

Syntax:  initial <message recipient> <aggressiveness> <text>
         critical <message recipient> <failure type> <text>
    Ex:  critical to_char fall Your pivot foot skips beneath you as you kick -
you fall heavily to the ground!
         unblocked <message recipient> <followthru> <text>
         blocked <message recipient> <partial|complete> <normal|extreme> <text>

Valid choices for <message recipient>:

* to_character   -- Message displayed to character who invoked the form.
* to_victim      -- Message displayed to victim (Character that form is being
                     invoked against)
* to_room        -- Message displayed to everyone *else* in the room.

Valid choices for <aggressiveness>:
* normal
* aggressive
* reckless

Valid choices for <failure type>:
* fall
* stumble-recover
* lose weapon
* counter
* penalty-free

Valid choices for <followthru>:
* practice
* normal
* extreme

NOTE:  See 'help act codes' for information on the act codes ($-codes) that can
be embedded in the <text> portion to refer to things such as the players name,
the bodypart being targeted, or the name of the form.

See Also:  ACT CODES

:: Beginning


'damage_type' tells the code which stats to use to determine damage.  Each
weapon has a damage mod for each of the three main damage types: slashing (SL),
crushing (CR) and piercing (PR).  A form may use the pommel of a sword to deal
CR damage, for example.  In addition, a PC may use the fourth damage type -
unarmed crushing - for attacks like kicks and punches.  Note that the PC may or
may not be armed to deal one of these types.  This type distinguishes the damage
type from that of the crushing value of the weapon.  In unarmed attacks, crushing
damage is determined by the character's stats, like strength, and the
character's combat settings, like follow-through.

Syntax:   damage_type <type>
  -or-:   damage <type>
    Ex:   damage crushing

Note that throwing attacks may be slashing, crushing, or piercing.  The fact that they are throwing attacks is defined elsewhere.

:: Beginning


'endurance cost' is the raw integer value that is subtracted from a character's
stamina each time they use this form.  The PC's aggressiveness and other
settings may further modify this value.

Set the base amount of stamina this form uses.  A standard sword slash uses
about 25.  Spin kicks might use 40.

Syntax:   endurance 25

:: Beginning


Below are the various text fields that are the code's version of player emotes.
The text is broken up into what the character sees, what the victim sees, and
what everybody else in the room sees.  It is further divided by the combat
settings of the character (like aggressiveness).


* initial
* critical
* unblocked
* blocked

Syntax:  initial <message recipient> <aggressiveness> <text>
         critical <message recipient> <failure type> <text>
    Ex:  critical to_char fall Your pivot foot skips beneath you as you kick -
you fall heavily to the ground!
         unblocked <message recipient> <followthru> <text>
         blocked <message recipient> <partial|complete> <normal|extreme> <text>

Valid choices for <message recipient>:

* to_character   -- Message displayed to character who invoked the form.
* to_victim      -- Message displayed to victim (Character that form is being
                     invoked against)
* to_room        -- Message displayed to everyone *else* in the room.

Valid choices for <aggressiveness>:
* normal
* aggressive
* reckless

Valid choices for <failure type>:
* fall
* stumble-recover
* lose weapon
* counter
* penalty-free

Valid choices for <followthru>:
* practice
* normal
* extreme

NOTE:  See 'help act codes' for information on the act codes ($-codes) that can
be embedded in the <text> portion to refer to things such as the players name,
the bodypart being targeted, or the name of the form.

See Also:  ACT CODES

:: Beginning


'orientation' modifies the four most signicant bits of the attack_direction
bitvector, and acts as a series of shift bits to enable defenses to work (or not
work) against any combination of attacks from any of the four sides.  It also
allows for attacks to be aimed specifically from certain orientations - for
example, a form called backstab might work only on a player who is facing away
from you.  This is Nico putting his electrical engineering background to
nonprofit use. :p

Syntax:  orientation <front/behind/left/right/all/none>
    Ex:  orientation behind

:: Beginning


'regions' is for non-dodge defenses, like parries, that can protect only certain parts of the body, period.  For instance, driving the tip of a sword into the
ground might protect slashes aimed at the legs and feet, but it can never
protect your head.  Consequently 'regions' is built as an add on to the angle

This allows the form to attack or defend specific regions.  Exclude body
regions only if the form NEVER applies to them at all: for instance, if the
form is designed to break arms, don't enable it for anything but arms. :p
Syntax:  regions <arg>
    Ex:  regions right_hand

:: Beginning


'secondary_id' is used to group very, very similar forms so that in certain
cases, the code can treat them all as a group.  For instance, if two forms are so
alike that improving in one will improve them both, then they should both have
the same secondary_id.  Then, when the code increments the skill level in one,
all forms of the same secondary_id will raise as well.

:: Beginning


'stance' modifies the two bitvectors handling character and victim stance.  
Currently, the only stances we care about are 'standing' and 'on ground', which
is still defined as 'sitting' from MM2.  We saw no need to make a distinction,
but if it comes up we can always modify this further pretty easily.

Syntax:   stance <char/vict> <standing/sitting>
    Ex:   stance char standing

:: Beginning


'tier' identifies the level of the form, relative to the weaponmastery system.
Tier 0 is rated as below any WM level, and tiers 1 - 4 correspond to WM 1 - WM 4.

Syntax:   tier ɘ/1/2/3/4>
    Ex:   tier 1

:: Beginning


Below are the various text fields that are the code's version of player emotes.
The text is broken up into what the character sees, what the victim sees, and
what everybody else in the room sees.  It is further divided by the combat
settings of the character (like aggressiveness).


* initial
* critical
* unblocked
* blocked

Syntax:  initial <message recipient> <aggressiveness> <text>
         critical <message recipient> <failure type> <text>
    Ex:  critical to_char fall Your pivot foot skips beneath you as you kick -
you fall heavily to the ground!
         unblocked <message recipient> <followthru> <text>
         blocked <message recipient> <partial|complete> <normal|extreme> <text>

Valid choices for <message recipient>:

* to_character   -- Message displayed to character who invoked the form.
* to_victim      -- Message displayed to victim (Character that form is being
                     invoked against)
* to_room        -- Message displayed to everyone *else* in the room.

Valid choices for <aggressiveness>:
* normal
* aggressive
* reckless

Valid choices for <failure type>:
* fall
* stumble-recover
* lose weapon
* counter
* penalty-free

Valid choices for <followthru>:
* practice
* normal
* extreme

NOTE:  See 'help act codes' for information on the act codes ($-codes) that can
be embedded in the <text> portion to refer to things such as the players name,
the bodypart being targeted, or the name of the form.

See Also:  ACT CODES

:: Beginning


Fighting and combat is currently disabled as we work to bring in our new
Turn-Based combat system.  Fear not, the olden days of mob-killing and
PKs will return!  It is in the works.

See Also: Turn-based Combat

:: Beginning

.:. FILL

If you want to fill a container you're holding with liquid from
a fountain in the same room as you, type:

> fill <container> <fountain>

If you want to pour some liquid from one container to another, type:

> pour <item1> <item2>
> pour hide canteen

You may also empty a container of liquid by typing:

> pour <container> out

:: Beginning


When you create your character, you can choose which flows you are
naturally stronger or skilled in.  This is your 'flowstrength' and
your '
flowskill'.  You can see what you have chosen by typing

Strong/Moderate/Weak = referring to flow strength
Gifted/Average/Inept = referring to skill with said flow

If one selected
strong in fire then their base flow of fire would
be considerably strong.  If coupled with
gifted that person would
be quite
adept at weaving strong fire weaves.

When you type '
talents' you will see your chosen flow strengths and
skills.  For example, if you chose 'Strong Air' 'Strong Spirit', and 'Gifted
Air' 'Gifted Spirit', this is what you would see when you type '

* finesse air
* finesse spirit
* strength air
* strength spirit

These are your -base- settings for your flowstrengths and flowskills and
represent your natural abilities.  For example, a Novice at the White Tower
with these settings would be naturally strong and gifted in Air and Spirit.
This would eventually be discovered in time through roleplay, which should
reflect these talents.

Policy OCS gives more information on overall channeler strength.

See Also:  Talents, Flowstrengths

:: Beginning


A Moment in Tyme is a MUD, not a MUSH.  You cannot view other
characters' information with this command.  There are other
commands that allow you to see some information about other
characters, both In Character and Out of Character.

In Character Information Resources:


Out of Character Information Resources:


See Also: Last, Title, Who, Reputation, and Contact

:: Beginning

.:. FIRE

Your flowstrengths reflect your proficiency in the five flows (air, water,
spirit, fire, earth).  Generally, men are stronger in fire and earth, and  
women are stronger in air and water.  Flowstrengths are used as preconditions
for various spells.

Air:    Air is used to gain spells such as wrap, gag, etc.
Water:  Water is the flow needed for spells like create water, waterwalk, and so on.
Spirit: Spirit is needed to use such spells as shield, gentle, etc.
Earth:  Earth is required for weaves along the lines of earthquake.
Fire:   Fire is the flow needed to manipulate spells such as slice weave, fireball, etc.

The higher your flows are, the better. Higher flows allow you to cut weaves
much easier. So, for example, if someone attempted to weave wrap upon you
and their flow of Air was lower than yours, you would stand a greater chance
of slicing their weave than they would have at succeeding at it. That is,
of course, if you have the slice weave spell.

To raise a flow from:
1  - 10     1 practice raises 3 points
11 - 20     1 practice raises 2 points
21 - 30     1 practice raises 1 point
31 - 40     2 practices raises 1 point
41 - 50     3 practices raises 1 point

See also: Training, Stats, Score

:: Beginning

.:. Firestorm Spell

Please use syntax
inform 'firestorm' for information about this weave.

:: Beginning


This is an Illuminator's skill. They can create fireworks to be
used in the game. Fireworks can be made to do various things, but
of course are mysterious things. One would have to contact an
Illuminator to find out the detailed ins and outs of these objects.

> firework
This takes you into the firework creation menus. Create your
fireworks as desired. Note that the
cost of the firework
Range^3. (Range cubed. ie: Range X Range X Range = Cost) :)

> firework <firework name>
This will use a firework in your inventory and the effects of
the firework will echo as far as the Range permits.

See also: Illuminators

:: Beginning


Players sometimes have FLAGS after their names in the WHO list.  These
flags are always in parentheses, not brackets or braces.

----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
(writing)   Player is writing on the board; do not disturb.
(mailing)   Player is writing mail; do not disturb.
(quest)     Player is participating in a quest currently being run by
an Event Immortal.

See also: Mail, Boards, Quest

:: Beginning

.:. Flaw Bad Eyesight

**This flaw, when taken, makes a character's vision considerably weaker (near-sighted, blind,
or far-sighted).  Options like lookahead and scan may be considerably limited depending upon
the placement of the flaw.  It is likely that one with bad eyesight may not be as good of a
tracker as one with good eyesight.

*see also: Flaws

:: Beginning

.:. Flaw Frail Bones

**This flaw, when taken, makes a character's bones considerably weaker and more prone to
breakage and other damage.  It is also possible that due to this flaw a character may not
be able to walk properly, ride or write well.  Healing of a broken bone with this flaw may
take more effort than usual and the Healing may or may not take.

*see also: Flaws

:: Beginning

.:. Flaw Physical Disability

**This flaw, when taken, gives a character a physical disability.  For example perhaps a
lame leg, severe blindness, a permanent and likely unhealable limp, etc.

*see also: Flaws

:: Beginning

.:. Flaws

**Flaws allow one to level easier however there are real penalties to flaws.  Flaws are here
for character development and can be an interesting role-playing tool.  Taking a flaw will reduce
the amount of experience one needs to level.

*see also: Frail Bones, Bad Eyesight, Physical Disability

:: Beginning

.:. FLEE

Flee as a comand no longer works.

See the following to learn how to escape combat:

<help turn retreat>

See also: Turn-Based Combat

:: Beginning


Your flowstrengths reflect your proficiency in the five flows (air, water,
spirit, fire, earth).  Generally, men are stronger in fire and earth, and  
women are stronger in air and water.  Flowstrengths are used as preconditions
for various spells.

Air:    Air is used to gain spells such as wrap, gag, etc.
Water:  Water is the flow needed for spells like create water, waterwalk, and so on.
Spirit: Spirit is needed to use such spells as shield, gentle, etc.
Earth:  Earth is required for weaves along the lines of earthquake.
Fire:   Fire is the flow needed to manipulate spells such as slice weave, fireball, etc.

The higher your flows are, the better. Higher flows allow you to cut weaves
much easier. So, for example, if someone attempted to weave wrap upon you
and their flow of Air was lower than yours, you would stand a greater chance
of slicing their weave than they would have at succeeding at it. That is,
of course, if you have the slice weave spell.

To raise a flow from:
1  - 10     1 practice raises 3 points
11 - 20     1 practice raises 2 points
21 - 30     1 practice raises 1 point
31 - 40     2 practices raises 1 point
41 - 50     3 practices raises 1 point

See also: Training, Stats, Score

:: Beginning


When you create your character, you can choose which flows you are
naturally stronger or skilled in.  This is your 'flowstrength' and
your '
flowskill'.  You can see what you have chosen by typing

Strong/Moderate/Weak = referring to flow strength
Gifted/Average/Inept = referring to skill with said flow

If one selected
strong in fire then their base flow of fire would
be considerably strong.  If coupled with
gifted that person would
be quite
adept at weaving strong fire weaves.

When you type '
talents' you will see your chosen flow strengths and
skills.  For example, if you chose 'Strong Air' 'Strong Spirit', and 'Gifted
Air' 'Gifted Spirit', this is what you would see when you type '

* finesse air
* finesse spirit
* strength air
* strength spirit

These are your -base- settings for your flowstrengths and flowskills and
represent your natural abilities.  For example, a Novice at the White Tower
with these settings would be naturally strong and gifted in Air and Spirit.
This would eventually be discovered in time through roleplay, which should
reflect these talents.

Policy OCS gives more information on overall channeler strength.

See Also:  Talents, Flowstrengths

:: Beginning


Your flowstrengths reflect your proficiency in the five flows (air, water,
spirit, fire, earth).  Generally, men are stronger in fire and earth, and  
women are stronger in air and water.  Flowstrengths are used as preconditions
for various spells.

Air:    Air is used to gain spells such as wrap, gag, etc.
Water:  Water is the flow needed for spells like create water, waterwalk, and so on.
Spirit: Spirit is needed to use such spells as shield, gentle, etc.
Earth:  Earth is required for weaves along the lines of earthquake.
Fire:   Fire is the flow needed to manipulate spells such as slice weave, fireball, etc.

The higher your flows are, the better. Higher flows allow you to cut weaves
much easier. So, for example, if someone attempted to weave wrap upon you
and their flow of Air was lower than yours, you would stand a greater chance
of slicing their weave than they would have at succeeding at it. That is,
of course, if you have the slice weave spell.

To raise a flow from:
1  - 10     1 practice raises 3 points
11 - 20     1 practice raises 2 points
21 - 30     1 practice raises 1 point
31 - 40     2 practices raises 1 point
41 - 50     3 practices raises 1 point

See also: Training, Stats, Score

:: Beginning


Use FOLLOW to automatically follow someone else, wherever they
go. Type
<follow self> when you wish to stop following the
other character. This will also ungroup you.

> follow khenten
> follow self

See also: Group

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

FORCE forces a character, either monster or player, to perform a certain
action.  FORCE ALL forces everyone in the game; FORCE ROOM forces everyone in
your room.

> force melaine drop all
> force all save
> force room look melaine

See also: Mforce

:: Beginning


Syntax:  fedit <form name>
         fedit create <form name>
         fedit copy <existing form> <new form>
         fedit save [form name]
         fedit reload [form name]
         fedit list
Options enclosed in <> are required, [] are optional.

FEDIT is the editor for combats forms. Typing fedit will bring up
categories of information about the forms. The categories are Basic,
Mods, Text, and Exclusive.

BASICS includes basic information about the form, what weapons it
works with, character stances, etc.

MODS is a list of modifiers that include things like the speed and
force of the form.

TEXT includes all of the text that will be seen be players while
using the forms.

EXCLUSIVES are special text that are unique to that particular type of form.

Typing the category name will expand or collapse the corresponding
information in the form editor.

Typing COMMANDS while in FEDIT will give you a full list of commands
that you can use to input and change form information. All of the
commands support act codes that affect what plays will see when using
the forms. HELP ACT CODES gives a complete list of the codes.

NOTICE: Options enclosed in <> are required, [] are optional.

fedit <form name>
  - This opens the named form inside FEDIT.
fedit create <form name>
  - This will create a new form with the given name.
fedit copy <existing form> <new form>
  - This will all of the information from an existing form into a new form name.
fedit save [form name]
  - This will save your current form information.
  - Notice that [form name] is optional.  If you don't specify a form, all
     forms will be saved.
  - Once inside FEDIT you can simply type 'save' to save the current form.
fedit reload [form name]
  - Again notice that [form name] is optional.  If you fail to specify a form
     name it will reload *all* forms.
  - This will reload a previously written form. If changes were
    made to a form and you decided to revert back to the original
    without saving, this is the option you would use.
fedit list
  - This will give a complete list of all forms on the MUD.

Once you type 'fedit', you enter the form editor and all commands you typed
will first be interpreted by FEDIT.  Then if the command doesn't exist it will
be sent to the MUD.  When you are finished editing a form you can exit FEDIT by
typing 'done'.  This allows you to continue using regular MUD commands while
editing forms.

Sub-Command listing:  (Type 'help fedit <sub-command>' for more information on
specific sub commands listed here)

commands         List valid commands
create           Create a new form.
delete           Deletes a form
basics           Expand/Collapse 'Basics' section
mods             Expand/Collapse 'Mods' section
text             Expand/Collapse 'Text' section
exclusives       Expand/Collapse 'Exclusives' section
form_type        Set the form type (dodge/block/attack/flourish/recovery)
name             Set the name of the form
class_name       Set the class of the form
secondary_id     See 'help fedit secondary_id'
flags            Set form flags (teachable/learnable/decrement/exotic)
tier             Set form tier between levels 0 and 4
damage type      Set the damage type (none/slashing/crushing/piercing/unarmed)
endurance_cost   Set the endurance requirement for using form
initial          Set the text displayed when form is initially invoked
critical         Set the text for when a critical failure occurs
unblocked        Set the text if form succeeds without being blocked
blocked          Set the text if form is blocked by victim
modifier         Set the modifiers for the form
areas_allowed    Specify what areas a form may be used in
weapons_allowed  Specify valid weapons for the form
regions          Specify valid bodypart regions form may be used against
deflection_dire  Specify the direction of deflection
attack_directio  Specify the direction of attack
orientation      Specify where player has to be in relation to victim
                 e.g. (front/behind/left/right/all/none)
stance           Specify required stance for ch or victim (standing/sitting)
special          Specify any special procedures to handle special circumstances
list             List all forms in the game
save             Save a form
reload           Reload a form
show             Display the current stats of currently opened form

Again this is only a brief synopsis.  Please see:  'help fedit <sub-command>'
to get more information on specific subcommands.    

In order to set a form on a player, use the SETFORM command.
It works exactly like the SETSKILL command.

NOTE: Forms are quite buggy at the moment and can crash the MUD so if
any testing is done on the BuilderPort please make sure to do so when
anyone is building.  As special test port has been created for editing forms
or testing other combat related items.  It currently runs at port


:: Beginning



     Slash From Right....................................................400
     Slash From Left.....................................................499
     Overhead Slash......................................................499
     Basic Thrust........................................................400
     Overhead Parry To Right.............................................499
     Parry To Left.......................................................499
     Parry To Right......................................................499
     Overhead Parry to Left..............................................499
     Advanced Withdrawl..................................................400
     Master Withdrawl....................................................499
     Off-Hand Jab........................................................400
     Weapon Spin.........................................................499

:: Beginning

.:. Forsaken


The Forsaken, or "Chosen", as they prefer to be called, are 13 of the most
powerful male and female channelers ever known.  After the Bore was opened into
the Dark One's prison, they chose to serve him in exchange for promises of
power and immortality. When Lews Therin Telamon and his Hundred Companions
sealed the Bore, the Forsaken were trapped "under the patch".  The seals,
however, have weakened or broken, and now the Forsaken are free again.

The true names of the Forsaken have been forgotten, in some cases even by the
Forsaken themselves, and the names they are now known by are: Aginor, Asmodean,
Balthamel, Be'lal, Demandred, Graendal, Ishamael, Lanfear, Mesaana, Moghedien,
Rahvin, Sammael, and Semirhage.

See also: Forsaken RP, Darkfriend, Channeler

:: Beginning

.:. Forsaken Roleplay


If you are playing a character who is not a Forsaken, you may nevertheless
have occasion to encounter and roleplay with one.  There are several important
things to bear in mind when interacting with a Forsaken character.

First, unless the Forsaken has identified himself or herself, your character
has no way of knowing who/what the Forsaken is.  Although the Forsaken have the
ability to disguise themselves, you should not assume that your character can
recognize a Forsaken on sight even if the Forsaken is undisguised.  So please
do not "wink knowingly" at them, or otherwise behave in a way incommensurate
with the knowledge your character would have of them.

Second, if your character IS aware that s/he is confronting one of the
Forsaken, this is cause for considerable fear and anxiety.  Remember that not
only are the Forsaken among the most powerful channelers of all time, but they
possess more knowledge of the use of the One Power than anyone else alive.
Boasting that you will destroy them and the evil master they serve is only
appropriate if your character is either very foolish, or is currently backed by
exceptionally powerful allies.

Third, remember that the people who play Forsaken characters often try very
hard to promote creative and interesting roleplaying on the MUD. This can prove
very difficult to sustain if players will not engage in cooperative
roleplaying.  What this means is that if a Forsaken is pretending to be what
you (the player, not the character you are playing) know they are not
(especially if they are disguised), it is inappropriate for you to refuse to
play along on the grounds that you (the player) are able to recognize a
Forsaken plot in the making.

See also: Forsaken, Darkfriend, Channeler, Disguise

:: Beginning

.:. Forsaken RP


If you are playing a character who is not a Forsaken, you may nevertheless
have occasion to encounter and roleplay with one.  There are several important
things to bear in mind when interacting with a Forsaken character.

First, unless the Forsaken has identified himself or herself, your character
has no way of knowing who/what the Forsaken is.  Although the Forsaken have the
ability to disguise themselves, you should not assume that your character can
recognize a Forsaken on sight even if the Forsaken is undisguised.  So please
do not "wink knowingly" at them, or otherwise behave in a way incommensurate
with the knowledge your character would have of them.

Second, if your character IS aware that s/he is confronting one of the
Forsaken, this is cause for considerable fear and anxiety.  Remember that not
only are the Forsaken among the most powerful channelers of all time, but they
possess more knowledge of the use of the One Power than anyone else alive.
Boasting that you will destroy them and the evil master they serve is only
appropriate if your character is either very foolish, or is currently backed by
exceptionally powerful allies.

Third, remember that the people who play Forsaken characters often try very
hard to promote creative and interesting roleplaying on the MUD. This can prove
very difficult to sustain if players will not engage in cooperative
roleplaying.  What this means is that if a Forsaken is pretending to be what
you (the player, not the character you are playing) know they are not
(especially if they are disguised), it is inappropriate for you to refuse to
play along on the grounds that you (the player) are able to recognize a
Forsaken plot in the making.

See also: Forsaken, Darkfriend, Channeler, Disguise

:: Beginning

.:. Frail Bones Flaw

**This flaw, when taken, makes a character's bones considerably weaker and more prone to
breakage and other damage.  It is also possible that due to this flaw a character may not
be able to walk properly, ride or write well.  Healing of a broken bone with this flaw may
take more effort than usual and the Healing may or may not take.

*see also: Flaws

:: Beginning


This command allows you to release someone whom you have subdued
and made your prisoner. It may be abbreviated to <free> by players
but must be typed in full,
<freeplayer>, by Immortals.

> free <player>

See also: Subdue

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

FREEZE, originally invented at CircleMUD (I think), is used to prevent
a player from playing.  If frozen, the game will ignore all commands entered
by the player, including QUIT, until the player is unfrozen with THAW.

Obviously, this command should only be used in extreme disciplinary

See also: Set Frozen.

:: Beginning

.:. FS


The Forsaken, or "Chosen", as they prefer to be called, are 13 of the most
powerful male and female channelers ever known.  After the Bore was opened into
the Dark One's prison, they chose to serve him in exchange for promises of
power and immortality. When Lews Therin Telamon and his Hundred Companions
sealed the Bore, the Forsaken were trapped "under the patch".  The seals,
however, have weakened or broken, and now the Forsaken are free again.

The true names of the Forsaken have been forgotten, in some cases even by the
Forsaken themselves, and the names they are now known by are: Aginor, Asmodean,
Balthamel, Be'lal, Demandred, Graendal, Ishamael, Lanfear, Mesaana, Moghedien,
Rahvin, Sammael, and Semirhage.

See also: Forsaken RP, Darkfriend, Channeler

:: Beginning


This is the private channel for the Forsaken.

> fstalk <string>
fstalk Hello, forsaken.

See Also: Darkfriends, Channels

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page