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       A Brief Summary of Tyme's Magic System

In the Wheel of Time setting, 'magic' is not referred to
as 'magic'.  It is called 'channeling'.


The One Power comes from the True Source.  It is a thing
feared by many, and it can be channeled by only those who
have the ability to learn, or who have the spark inborn.

The One Power comes from the True Source, and is said to be
the force that turns the Wheel of Time.  It is divided into
five Powers or Flows:  Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Spirit.

The True Source is divided into two halves.  Saidar, which is
the female half of the True Source, and Saidin which is
channeled by men. Until recently, the male half of the True
Source was tainted by the Dark One however, and men who
channel Saidin were destined to go mad, and eventually die.
They are held responsible for the Breaking of the World, and
for many generations, they have been feared, hunted, and
sometimes loathed.

Female channelers, on the other hand, face no such risk,
though they do have other reasons to be cautious. Aes Sedai
are female channelers, bound by certain Oaths, who are
trained to wield the One Power.  They are feared, and often
respected, but also blamed for the Breaking of the World,
simply because they too wield the One Power.  Some women are
born with the spark, the ability to channel, and will do so
whether they wish it or not.  Those who are found by the Aes
Sedai in time are trained until they can channel safely, and
then either allowed to leave, or remain and possibly one day
become Aes Sedai.  Those who are not found by Aes Sedai
usually end up dying or burning themselves out.  Those few
with the spark who survive, however, are known as Wilders.  
They have learned some sort of rough control over the One
Power on their own, but usually have a block that prevents
them from channeling whenever they wish.

Men are said to be stronger in Fire and Earth, while women
are said to be stronger in Air and Water.  They are equally
strong in Spirit.

See Also:  Flowstrength, Saidin, Saidar, Wilder, Block

:: Beginning


Far Dareis Mai (Maidens of the Spear)
The Maidens are used essentially as scouts. They are trained with
bows, belt knives, and spears, extensively. This society is made up
entirely of women.

:: Beginning

.:. MAIL


  MAIL <name>                 - Send a mail
  MAIL SHOW [folder]          - Show unread mail
  MAIL LIST [folder]          - List your mail
  MAIL READ #                 - Read a mail
  MAIL DELETE #               - Delete a mail
  MAIL REPLY #                - Reply to a mail
  MAIL REPLYALL #             - Reply to everyone copied on a mail.
  MAIL FORWARD # <name>       - Forward a mail
  MAIL FILE # <folder>        - File mail in folder
  MAIL GUILD <tag>            - Mail all members of a guild
  MAIL SEARCH <to/from/subject/body> <text>  
                              - Search for a mail

  MAIL FOLDER LIST            - List your Virtual Folders
  MAIL FOLDER NEW <name>      - Add Folder
  MAIL FOLDER DELETE [folder] - Delete a folder
  MAIL FOLDER RENAME # <name> - Rename a folder

  Note: Multiple names can be listed for both sending and forwarding mails.

:: Beginning

.:. MANA

The terms MANA or MOVE no longer applies to the MUD. Endurance is now
what represents your stamina on the MUD. Your Endurance is the code
representation of your character's stamina. It determines how far they
can walk, how long they can fight, and how much they can channel. When
you run out of Endurance, you are exausted.

See also: Stats, Score

:: Beginning

.:. MAP

Upon creation a player begins with a basic text map of Cairhien.  
There are currently no other maps available for the built areas
on the mud.

The built areas correspond roughly to the map of lands found in the
books for greater ease in navigating.

:: Beginning

.:. MAPS

Upon creation a player begins with a basic text map of Cairhien.  
There are currently no other maps available for the built areas
on the mud.

The built areas correspond roughly to the map of lands found in the
books for greater ease in navigating.

:: Beginning


Band Guildskill

Preconditions for use: <none>

This skills allows the you to march to any point on the MUD, providing you
have a clear path to that point (ie. there is no water or other obstacles
between you and your destination, not including doors). If there is more than
one room with the name used, each successive room can be signified by a
number in front of the room name. For example, aringill, 2.aringill, 3.aringill.

USAGE: march <room name>
EXAMPLE: march aringill

:: Beginning

.:. Mark

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning


This is currently only available to the Forsaken and the
Shadow Department. Inquiries towards this particular ability
should be directed there.

This talent allows one to learn abilities such as Inverting weaves
and masking their channeling ability.

:: Beginning


This is currently only available to the Forsaken and the
Shadow Department. Inquiries towards this particular ability
should be directed there.

This talent allows one to learn abilities such as Inverting weaves
and masking their channeling ability.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

mforce <mob | room> <action>

Forces a mob to do perform an action.

> mforce cow kiss mattias     {forces the cow with Mattias to kiss him}
> mforce room hug mattias     {forces all the mobs in the room to hug Mattias}

See also: Force

:: Beginning


**This talent allows one to gain a greater amount of strength
in the One Power (per level) than the Powerful Channeler talent.
Note that this talent may not be taken with the Powerful Channeler

See also: Channeling Talents, Mighty Channeler

:: Beginning


     M i k k i M U D   1 . 0

MikkiMUD is derived from CircleMUD 3.0

All changes and improvements was coded by:

J D Meade                  - Set/Wretched
Rick Cain                  - Dini
J Robert Brown             - Dante
Pontus Lidman              - Pontus
Mattias Lonnqvist          - Mattias
Frederic Ouellet           - Willy
Per-Erik Jonsson           - Purjo
Mattias Borgstrom          - Borgstrom

None of this would have been possibly without the support of all the IMMs
at Moment in Tyme, thanx!

A special thanx to Mikki for making all of this possible.

:: Beginning

.:. Mirror of Mists Spell

Mirror of Mists--------------------
Please use syntax
inform 'mirror of mists' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning


The following groups contain the 'Mission Statements' for each
of the Immortal Departments of A Moment in Tyme. Those Mission
Statements being the goals and duties of each given department.

Builder-Mission   - Mission Statement for the Building Department
                    (syntax: 'Help Builder-Mission)
WM-Mission        - Mission Statement for the Weaponmastery Department
                    (syntax: 'Help WM-Mission)

*More Coming Soon

:: Beginning

.:. mitupdate

   Attention! We have changed our timeline and are currently set
   at the very end of Winter's Heart, the ninth book in the series.
   Those who have not read this far in the books may find
   in the game.  However, we are also a mirror world, breaking off
   after the events of Winter's Heart, to make our own story and to
   carve our own destiny.  Things may not end as they did in the books.

Channeling Mastery and Weapon Mastery are a THING OF THE PAST.
   There will be no more elitist log requirements, and no one will be
   picking through your RP to decide if you are worthy of a higher
   skill with the blade or with channeling.  GLs will be in charge
   of deciding when their players are properly trained.  Overall
   channeler strength is now determined by flowstrengths and talents.
   If there is a dispute, only then will Staff intervene.  This new
   system is designed as a temporary measure until code combat is in.

Dragonsworn, Hunters, and Tinkers guilds have been returned.  
   We hope that players will feel encouraged to join these guilds again.  
   Each one had its own  unique community, and we want to bring this
   feeling back to players who joined them for this reason.  Please
Rissa if you are interested in joining or even leading
   one of these guilds.

help timeline for more details about recent IC events.

Combat is getting most of our attention now.  Currently
   we're on
forms.  These are being written and tested by Jaiden,
   for the most part, though 70 forms were contributed by Ranulf.

   We are currently working on a number of automated
quests that
   players can do by themselves to earn quest points, equipment, or
   to learn skills.  We hope you will find these a fun way to pass
   the time when there is no RP to be had, and there are many other
secrets being built into the game, if you choose to explore.
   Please contact the
Building department if you have quest ideas.

The newest versions of weapons and armor are done.  We're holding
   off on importing it until combat is up, while we focus on getting other
   half-done and closely related things finished.

   Things we are working on:
59.2% Finished
   Turn-based Combat:  
50% Finished
   Player Creation:  
90% Finished
25% Finished
15% Finished
   Non-Combat Eq:  
100% Finished
   EQ Proofreading/Flagging:  
100% Finished
   Create/Edit Shops:  
60% Finished
   Shop Errors Fixed:  
95% Finished
   New OCS Policy:  
100% Finished
   Restore Skill Percentages:
100% Finished
   Crafting Skill:  
98% Finished
Needs De-bugging

If you're interested in coding, send us an email at,
   or mail
Duren using the mudmail system.

   If you wish to help with
building, contact Ayasha.  Mudmail in the
   game is the best way to reach her.

   You can now exchange your
quest points for experince points. Type
exchange for details.

Visit us at!

:: Beginning


$i - The keywords (aliases) for the mob
$I - The mobs short description (Usually it's name)
$n - If the victim can see the mob (IE:  Not dark or has a light), the keywords (aliases) for mob, otherwise 'someone'.
$N - If the victim can see the mob (IE:  Not dark or has a light), the short description (Usually it's name) for mob, otherwise 'someone'.
$t - The keywords (aliases) for the victim of any given action.
$T - The name or short description of the victim of any given action.
$r - The keywords (aliases) for a random character in the room with the mob.
$R - The name or short description of a random character in the room with the mob.
$q - The keywords (aliases) for the target of a mob (Whoever activated the trigger).
$Q - The name or short description of the target of a mob (Whoever activated the trigger).
$j - he/she/it depending on sex of the mob.
$e - he/she/it depending on sex of the mob, or 'someone' if room is dark and player has no light, or if player is blind, etc.
$E - he/she/it depending on sex of the victim of a given action.
$J - he/she/it depending on sex of random character in room with mob.
$X - he/she/it of mob's target (Whoever activated the trigger.)
$k - him/her/it depending on sex of mob.
$m - him/her/it depending on sex of character initiating an action.
$M - him/her/it depending on sex of victim of any given action.
$K - him/her/it depending on sex of random victim chosen from room.
$Y - him/her/it of mob-prog's target.
$l - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob
$s - his/hers/its depending on sex of character that initiated action.
$S - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob, or 'someone' if character can not see mob.
$L - his/hers/its depending on sex of random character from room.
$Z - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob-prog target.
$o - first keyword (alias) of object.
$O - short description of object.
$p - First keyword (alias) from second object
$P - Short description of second object.

$0 through $9 - User defined variables.  You may store data in these variables
              - using the "mob store" command.  Example:  mob store 1 $N
              - The above example would store the value of $N in variable $1
              - $1 will remain available for all scripts running under the
              - current mob, so these can be used to pass data back and forth
              - between scripts.

:: Beginning


mob gecho [string]  - Prints the argument to all active players in the game
mob zecho [string]  - Prints the argument to all players in the same area as the
                    - mob
mob asound [string] - Prints the argument to all the rooms around the mobile
mob junk [item]     - Lets the mobile destroy an object in its inventory.  it
                    - can also destroy a worn object and it can destroy items
                    - using all.xxxxx or just plain all of them
mob echoaround [victim] [string] - Prints the message to everyone in the room
                    - other than the mob and victim
mob echoat [victim] [string] - Prints the message to only the victim
mob mpecho [string] - Prints the message to the room at large
mob mload [vnum]    - Lets the mobile load another mobile.
mob oload [vnum] [level] {R} - Lets the mobile load an object.  The third
                    - argument is option, if you omit it, it loads to mob's
                    - inventory, specify 'R' to load to room, or 'W' to load to
                    - mobile and then force it to wear it.
mob purge {target}  - Lets the mobile purge all objects and other NPCs in the
                    - room, or purge a specified object or mob in the room. The
                    - mobile cannot purge itself for safety reasons.
mob goto [location] - Lets the mobile goto any location it wishes that is not
                    - private.
mob at [location] [commands] - Lets the mobile do a command at another location.
mob transfer [target|'all'] [location] - Lets the mobile transfer people.  The
                    - 'all' argument transfers everyone in the current room to
                    - the specified location
mob gtransfer [victim] [location] - Lets the mobile transfer all chars in same
                    - group as the victim.
mob force [victim] [commands] - Lets the mobile force someone to do something.
                    - Must be mortal level and the all argument only affects
                    - those in the room with the mobile.
mob gforce [victim] [commands] - Lets the mobile force a group something. Must
                    - be mortal level.
mob vforce [vnum] [commands] - Forces all mobiles of certain vnum to do
                    - something (except mob calling this command)
mob cast [spell] {target} - Lets the mobile cast spells -- Beware: this does
                    - only crude checking on the target validity and does not
                    - account for mana etc., so you should do all the necessary
                    - checking in your mob program before issuing this cmd!
mob store # [data]  - Store <data> in register number #, where # is an integer
                    - value from 0 to 9.  Stored data may be accessed by using
                    - $ codes.  For example, if you store something in register
                    - #0, you may access it by using $0 in your script.
set [code] [value]  - Stores value in code, where code may be either 'o' or 'p'.
                    - a code of 'o' sets the $o variable to point at the object
                    - of your choice.  'p' sets $p.  This option is useful for
                    - trigger types such as CMD, GREET, EXIT, etc, where no
                    - target object is set.  Scripts called by these triggers
                    - will not have a valid $o or $p and therefore can not use
                    - the object specific functions.  This command allows you
                    - to manually specify an object so you can then use
                    - functions which require $o or $p.
mob reward [player|room] [amount] - Reward player or entire room with
                    - questpoints.
mob rewardexp [player|room] [amount] - Reward player or entire room with exp.
mob rememberperm [victim] [data] - Permanently remember [data] about [victim]
mob forgetperm [victim] [data] - Forget data saved by rememberperm.
mob remember [victim] - Lets the mobile to remember a target. The target can be
                    - referred to with $q and $Q codes in MOBprograms. See also
                    - "mob forget".
mob forget          - Reverse of "mob remember".
mob delay [seconds] - Sets a delay for MOBprogram execution. When the delay time
                    - expires, the mobile is checked for a MObprogram with DELAY
                    - trigger, and if one is found, it is executed. Delay is
                    - counted in seconds.
mob cancel          - Reverse of "mob delay", deactivates the timer.
mob pause [pulses]  - *DEPRECATED*  (Use 'halt' instead)
                    - Pause execution of script.  There are 10 pulses per second
                    - therefore the delay is in 10ths of seconds.
halt [puleses]      - Pause execution of a script.  Works the same as mob pause
                    - on the front end, but the back end works completely
                    - different.  mob pause has issues with multiple scripts
                    - pausing at the same time.  'halt' does not, and is the
                    - preferred way to delay execution of a script at this time.
mob call [vnum] [victim|'null'] [object1|'null'] [object2|'null'] - Lets the
                    - mobile to call another MOBprogram withing a MOBprogram.
mob otransfer [item name] [location] - Lets the mobile to transfer an object.
                    - The object must be in the same room with the mobile.
mob remove [victim] [object vnum|'all'] - Lets the mobile to strip an object or
                    - all objects from the victim. Useful for removing e.g.
                    - quest objects from a character.
mob affect [victim] [type/skill] [duration] [modifier] [location] [bitvector]
                    - Adds an 'affect' to a player:
    [type/skill]    - The skill used to create the affect (hide, sneak, etc)
    [duration]      - How many ticks does the affect last
    [modifier]      - Some affects can modify stats.  This specifies how much the modifier should be.  use 0 if you're not modifying a stat.
    [location]      - If the affect modifies stats, which stat do we modify?  Specify 'none' if you don't need to modify a stat.
    [bitvector]     - Similar to [type/skill], but this is the actual 'affect' type that is applied to the character.  They are usually named similar to the type/skill above.
mob setskill [victim] [skill] [+/-][level]
                    - The +/- is optional.  Specify + to increase a skill by a certain amount.  - to decrease.  Simply specify a number to set to a static value.

:: Beginning


    "rand",            /* if rand 30       - if random number < 30 */
    "mobhere",         /* if mobhere fido  - is there a 'fido' here */
    "objhere",         /* if objhere bottle    - is there a 'bottle' here */
                       /* if mobhere 1233  - is there mob vnum 1233 here */
                       /* if objhere 1233  - is there obj vnum 1233 here */
    "mobexists",       /* if mobexists fido    - is there a fido somewhere */
    "objexists",       /* if objexists sword   - is there a sword somewhere */

    "people",          /* if people > 4    - does room contain > 4 people */
    "players",         /* if players > 1   - does room contain > 1 pcs */
    "mobs",            /* if mobs > 2      - does room contain > 2 mobiles */
    "clones",          /* if clones > 3    - are there > 3 mobs of same vnum here */
    "order",           /* if order == 0    - is mob the first in room */
    "hour",            /* if hour > 11     - is the time > 11 o'clock */

    "ispc",            /* if ispc $n       - is $n a pc */
    "isnpc",           /* if isnpc $n      - is $n a mobile */
    "isgood",          /* if isgood $n     - is $n good */
    "isevil",          /* if isevil $n     - is $n evil */
    "isneutral",       /* if isneutral $n  - is $n neutral */
    "isimmort",        /* if isimmort $n   - is $n immortal */
    "ischarm",         /* if ischarm $n    - is $n charmed */
    "isfollow",        /* if isfollow $n   - is $n following someone */
    "isactive",        /* if isactive $n   - is $n's position > SLEEPING */
    "isdelay",         /* if isdelay $i    - does $i have mobprog pending */
    "isvisible",       /* if isvisible $n  - can mob see $n */
    "hastarget",       /* if hastarget $i  - does $i have a valid target */
    "istarget",        /* if istarget $n   - is $n mob's target */
    "exists",          /* if exists $n     - does $n exist somewhere */

    "affected",        /* if affected $n blind - is $n affected by blind */
    "act",             /* if act $i sentinel   - is $i flagged sentinel */
    "off",             /* if off $i berserk    - is $i flagged berserk */
    "imm",             /* if imm $i fire   - is $i immune to fire */
    "carries",         /* if carries $n sword  - does $n have a 'sword' */
                       /* if carries $n 1233   - does $n have obj vnum 1233 */
    "wears",           /* if wears $n lantern  - is $n wearing a 'lantern' */
                       /* if wears $n 1233 - is $n wearing obj vnum 1233 */
    "has",             /* if has $n weapon - does $n have obj of type weapon */
    "uses",            /* if uses $n armor - is $n wearing obj of type armor */
    "name",            /* if name $n puff  - is $n's name 'puff' */
    "pos",             /* if pos $n standing   - is $n standing */
    "clan",            /* if clan $n 'whatever'- does $n belong to clan 'whatever' */
    "race",            /* if race $n dragon    - is $n of 'dragon' race */
    "class",           /* if class $n mage - is $n's class 'mage' */
    "objtype",         /* if objtype $p scroll - is $p a scroll */

    "vnum",            /* if vnum $i == 1233   - virtual number check */
    "hpcnt",           /* if hpcnt $i > 30 - hit point percent check */
    "room",            /* if room $i == 1233   - room virtual number */
    "sex",             /* if sex $i == 0   - sex check */
    "level",           /* if level $n < 5  - level check */
    "align",           /* if align $n < -1000  - alignment check */
    "money",           /* if money $n */
    "objval0",         /* if objval0 > 1000    - object value[] checks 0..13 */
    "grpsize",                    /* if grpsize $n > 6    - group size check */
    "ercount",                    // if ercount $n > 2    - Emotes in Room
    "trcount",                    // if trcount $n > 4    - Ticks in room
    "ecount",                     // if ecount $n > 2     - Emotes since last rpexp update
    "ucount",                     // if ucount $n > 1    - Count of rpexp updates for player
    "hasmemory",                 // if hasmemory $n <text> - Does mob remember <text> about $n?
    "rank",                       // if rank $n "<guild tag> <rank>" - Does $n have rank <rank> in guild <guild tag>?  (MUST be in quotes!)
    "subrank",                    // if subrank $n "<guild tag> <subrank>" - Does $n have rank <rank> in guild <guild tag>?  (MUST be in quotes)
    "cmd",                        // if cmd milk          - Did the player type the 'milk' command?  (Only works with CMD triggers!)
    "cmdarg",                     // if cmdarg cow        - Did the player type the word 'cow' after the command that triggered this script? (Only works with CMD triggers)
    "success",                    // if success $n arrest - Did the player succeed at using the 'arrest' skill?
    "skill",                      // if skill '$n [skill]' > 500  - Is players skill level in [skill] greater than 50.0%? (Note:  Quotes are required and skill levels are divided by 10.  Thus 500 is 50.0%
    "trigger",                    // if trigger greet     - Was this script triggered with a 'greet' trigger?
    "phrase",                     // if phrase 'looks at you' - Was this script triggered by the phrase 'looks at you'?

:: Beginning


Mob programs allow the use of 'if-else' statements to allow performing different
actions based on whatever criteria you want.  The possible keywords are:

if [not]
and [not]
or [not]
   <block of code goes here>

Mob programs also allow for a basic kind of loop, which iterates through each
player in the room.  The keyword to start this loop is the word 'for', and the
word to terminate the loop is 'loop'.  Example:

   nod $n
   say How do you do, $N?

The above example would nod to each player in the room, and then ask them how
they are doing.

If statement examples:

To greet an Aiel differently than a Seafolk, you could do:

if clan $n AL
   say Greetings, my Aiel friend!
if clan $n SF
   say Greetings, Seafolk!

The above example shows a very simple set of independent logical events.  If you
don't want the mob to greet someone twice if they happened to be in both the
Aiel and Seafolk guilds, you could do a dependent type if-else:

if clan $n AL
   say Greetings, my Aiel friend!
elseif clan $n SF
   say Greetings, Seafolk!

Notice the 'elseif' statement?  This is different from doing an 'else' and 'if'
in separate lines.  If you had else and if on separate lines like so:

if clan $n AL
   say Greetings, my Aiel friend!
   if clan $n SF
      say Greetings, Seafolk!

This requires multiple 'levels' of if statements.  In both cases the first if
must be false before the second if can execute (and so on if there are more
nested statements.)  If someone is both Aiel and Seafolk, they will
only be greeted as an Aiel.  However, using 'elseif' as one statement rather
than breaking it into separate statements prevents you from having to nest
multiple levels of if statements, you could do as many checks as you wanted
without having to keep nesting them further.

Now lets say you wanted to have a special case for someone who is both aiel and

if clan $n AL
and clan $n SF
   say Well aren't you unique?  We don't see many Aiel/Seafolk around here.
   if clan $n AL
      say Greetings, my Aiel friend!
   endif      # Notice the use of endif here instead of else.  See below
   if clan $n SF
      say Greetings, Seafolk!

You may notice that the nested if statement in the previous example contained
two independent if statements.  We could have used an 'else' statement and made
it dependent, however in this particular case it was unnecessary because we
know that the character can not be both Aiel and Seafolk, because if they were,
they would have matched the first if-statement (The one which contains the 'and'

You can also use the 'not' keyword to negate the matching.  For example:

if not clan $n AL
and not clan $n SF
   say You are not a member of either the SF or AL guild.

The above example would only execute if they were -not- in the aiel guild,
-and- they were not in the seafolk guild.

New feature added July 10th:  You may now specify another function as the
right hand operand to an if-check.  For instance, to see if a drink container
is full, you could do:

if objval1 $o >= objval0 $o

On a drink container, objval0 stores the 'max' units of liquid a container may
hold.  objval1 stores how many units currently occupy that container.  The
above if-check checks to see if the number of units in the container is equal
(or greater) than the max allowed.  (Note:  Technically we should be able to
use == instead of >=, but it's safer to use >= in case an unforeseen bug allows
a container to be filled beyond it's limit.  For example, a container filled to
6 units with a -max- of 5 would show up as 'not full' if you used ==, where as
>= would catch this anomaly)

You don't have to specify the same function on each side either, you could also

if ercount $n > trcount $n

This would tell you if the number of emotes in the room for player $n is
greater than the number of ticks spent in the room for the same player $n.

Another example:

if ercount $n > ercount $q

This would compare the number of emotes in the current room between player $n
and player $q.


:: Beginning

.:. mob prog overview

Mob programs are scripts written to instruct NPCs (Mobs) on how to interact
with players in an automated way.  These scripts are event based, reacting to
events in the MUD by the use of triggers.  (See: 'help mob triggers')

To specify that a script should be run when a certain event is triggered for a
certain mob, you use the 'mprogadd' command to add a trigger to a mob. (See:  
'help mprogadd')  You can also just type 'mprogadd' with no arguments to see
the syntax.

To see a list of triggers that are available, see:  'help mob triggers'

You can add existing scripts to any mob.  One script can be re-used by many
mobs if properly written.  They key is to try and not hard code anything
specific to one mob in a script.  The scripts are identified by vnums, just as
rooms, objects, and mobs are.  And also just like you can have both a room and
object by the same vnum, you can have a mob and a script/program by the same

The mob program editor (mpedit) uses a different type of OnLine Creation (OLC)
than rooms, objects, or mobiles.  Instead of trapping you inside an inflexible
menu, when you enter mpedit, you are given a command interpreter that is no
different than the MUDs command interpreter aside from the fact that ithas
different commands.  (Once inside mpedit, type 'commands' for a list of mpedit
specific commands.)  While inside mpedit, your commands are first interpreted
by mpedit and then if there is no match they are sent to the MUD main command
interpreter.  This allows you to continue carrying on a conversation with
someone while still working inside mpedit.

To write code for a mob program you will need to understand the language.  
Basically a MUD script can call regular MUD commands (say, emote, socials, etc)
and there are also special 'mob commands' available. (See: 'help mob
commands')  Mob programs also have some logic flow control methods available so
that you can have your mob program make decisions based on whatever criteria
you like.  For example the mob can decide to greet an aiel differently than a
seafolk or greet higher ranked guild members differently than lower ranked
ones.  To see a tutorial on how this 'logic' works, see:  'help mob logic'.  
For a list of 'functions' available to make decisions on, see: 'help mop

Inside the code, there are ways to refer to different 'actors'.  For example,
the player who triggered the script vs other players in the room vs the mob
himself.  To see a list of these 'act' codes, see:  'help mob act codes'

Remember that each script can be used by more than one mob, and each mob can
use multiple scripts and have multiple triggers.  You can have triggers that
greet people for entering a room, or triggers that stop people from leaving.  
You can have triggers that react when people say certain keywords, etc.

:: Beginning

.:. mob programs

mpdump <vnum>      -Lists the code for the MobProg with vnum <vnum>
mpedit             -Edit commands for MobProgs. (See 'help mpedit' for syntax)
mprogadd           -Adds a MobProg to a MOB.  (See: 'help mprogadd' for syntax)
mprogdelete        -Deletes a MobProg from a MOB. (See: 'help mprogdelete' for syntax)
mproglist scripted -List all mobs that have triggers/scripts attached to them.
mproglist <vnum>   -MProgList <vnum> lists the progs on a specific MOB.
   -If no vnum is specified, it lists all programs in the game.
mpedit list <zone> - List all programs in a particular zone.
mpstat <mob name>  -Similar to MProgList, but used on a loaded MOB.
mprogport    -Allows work from the BuilderPort to be set on MOBs on the Live MUD.
   -Be sure to save the code to port 6969 by typing:
'save 6969' in MPedit
   -To port work over:
'mprogport <mob vnum> 6969'


:: Beginning

.:. mob progs

mpdump <vnum>      -Lists the code for the MobProg with vnum <vnum>
mpedit             -Edit commands for MobProgs. (See 'help mpedit' for syntax)
mprogadd           -Adds a MobProg to a MOB.  (See: 'help mprogadd' for syntax)
mprogdelete        -Deletes a MobProg from a MOB. (See: 'help mprogdelete' for syntax)
mproglist scripted -List all mobs that have triggers/scripts attached to them.
mproglist <vnum>   -MProgList <vnum> lists the progs on a specific MOB.
   -If no vnum is specified, it lists all programs in the game.
mpedit list <zone> - List all programs in a particular zone.
mpstat <mob name>  -Similar to MProgList, but used on a loaded MOB.
mprogport    -Allows work from the BuilderPort to be set on MOBs on the Live MUD.
   -Be sure to save the code to port 6969 by typing:
'save 6969' in MPedit
   -To port work over:
'mprogport <mob vnum> 6969'


:: Beginning


Name:    Phrase:
-----    -------
act    - Text to match action performed.
bribe  - Number indicating minimum amount of money to set off trigger.
death  - N/A
entry  - Percentage of time to trigger.
fight  - N/A
give   - Text, number, or 'all'.  If text, it will try to match the text against
       - the names (aliases) of the object.  If a number, it will match against
       - the vnum of the object.  If all, it will match all objects given.
greet  - The number indicating the direction to check, or all to match all
       - directions.  NORTH = 0, EAST = 1, SOUTH = 2, WEST = 3, UP = 4, DOWN = 5
grall  - Same as greet.  GRALL differs from GREET in that GRALL greets people
       - regardless if mob is busy fighting or whatnot.
kill   - N/A
hpcnt  - Percentage of hit points (N/A)
random - Percent chance of firing at every moble update.  (Once per second).
speech - Text to match whatever was said.
exit   - The number indicating the direction to check, or all to match all
       - directions.  NORTH = 0, EAST = 1, SOUTH = 2, WEST = 3, UP = 4, DOWN = 5
exall  - Same as exit, but will check even if mob is 'busy'.
delay  - Percent chance of firing.
surr   - N/A

:: Beginning

.:. mobprog overview

Mob programs are scripts written to instruct NPCs (Mobs) on how to interact
with players in an automated way.  These scripts are event based, reacting to
events in the MUD by the use of triggers.  (See: 'help mob triggers')

To specify that a script should be run when a certain event is triggered for a
certain mob, you use the 'mprogadd' command to add a trigger to a mob. (See:  
'help mprogadd')  You can also just type 'mprogadd' with no arguments to see
the syntax.

To see a list of triggers that are available, see:  'help mob triggers'

You can add existing scripts to any mob.  One script can be re-used by many
mobs if properly written.  They key is to try and not hard code anything
specific to one mob in a script.  The scripts are identified by vnums, just as
rooms, objects, and mobs are.  And also just like you can have both a room and
object by the same vnum, you can have a mob and a script/program by the same

The mob program editor (mpedit) uses a different type of OnLine Creation (OLC)
than rooms, objects, or mobiles.  Instead of trapping you inside an inflexible
menu, when you enter mpedit, you are given a command interpreter that is no
different than the MUDs command interpreter aside from the fact that ithas
different commands.  (Once inside mpedit, type 'commands' for a list of mpedit
specific commands.)  While inside mpedit, your commands are first interpreted
by mpedit and then if there is no match they are sent to the MUD main command
interpreter.  This allows you to continue carrying on a conversation with
someone while still working inside mpedit.

To write code for a mob program you will need to understand the language.  
Basically a MUD script can call regular MUD commands (say, emote, socials, etc)
and there are also special 'mob commands' available. (See: 'help mob
commands')  Mob programs also have some logic flow control methods available so
that you can have your mob program make decisions based on whatever criteria
you like.  For example the mob can decide to greet an aiel differently than a
seafolk or greet higher ranked guild members differently than lower ranked
ones.  To see a tutorial on how this 'logic' works, see:  'help mob logic'.  
For a list of 'functions' available to make decisions on, see: 'help mop

Inside the code, there are ways to refer to different 'actors'.  For example,
the player who triggered the script vs other players in the room vs the mob
himself.  To see a list of these 'act' codes, see:  'help mob act codes'

Remember that each script can be used by more than one mob, and each mob can
use multiple scripts and have multiple triggers.  You can have triggers that
greet people for entering a room, or triggers that stop people from leaving.  
You can have triggers that react when people say certain keywords, etc.

:: Beginning

.:. mobprograms

mpdump <vnum>      -Lists the code for the MobProg with vnum <vnum>
mpedit             -Edit commands for MobProgs. (See 'help mpedit' for syntax)
mprogadd           -Adds a MobProg to a MOB.  (See: 'help mprogadd' for syntax)
mprogdelete        -Deletes a MobProg from a MOB. (See: 'help mprogdelete' for syntax)
mproglist scripted -List all mobs that have triggers/scripts attached to them.
mproglist <vnum>   -MProgList <vnum> lists the progs on a specific MOB.
   -If no vnum is specified, it lists all programs in the game.
mpedit list <zone> - List all programs in a particular zone.
mpstat <mob name>  -Similar to MProgList, but used on a loaded MOB.
mprogport    -Allows work from the BuilderPort to be set on MOBs on the Live MUD.
   -Be sure to save the code to port 6969 by typing:
'save 6969' in MPedit
   -To port work over:
'mprogport <mob vnum> 6969'


:: Beginning

.:. mobprogs

mpdump <vnum>      -Lists the code for the MobProg with vnum <vnum>
mpedit             -Edit commands for MobProgs. (See 'help mpedit' for syntax)
mprogadd           -Adds a MobProg to a MOB.  (See: 'help mprogadd' for syntax)
mprogdelete        -Deletes a MobProg from a MOB. (See: 'help mprogdelete' for syntax)
mproglist scripted -List all mobs that have triggers/scripts attached to them.
mproglist <vnum>   -MProgList <vnum> lists the progs on a specific MOB.
   -If no vnum is specified, it lists all programs in the game.
mpedit list <zone> - List all programs in a particular zone.
mpstat <mob name>  -Similar to MProgList, but used on a loaded MOB.
mprogport    -Allows work from the BuilderPort to be set on MOBs on the Live MUD.
   -Be sure to save the code to port 6969 by typing:
'save 6969' in MPedit
   -To port work over:
'mprogport <mob vnum> 6969'


:: Beginning

.:. Mock Battle

-------------------- Mock Battle --------------------

Emote: "Bob hefts up his broadsword and quickly swings it towards
        Joe's left leg.

(Bob attacks Joe's leg. Joe has enough Defense Points to dodge the
attack. Joe
dodges Bob's attack)

Emote: "Feigning to the right, Bob's sword narrowly misses Joe's
        left leg, giving him time to dive forward and slash

(Joe attacks Bob. Bob has enough Defense Points to dodge the
attack. Bob
dodges Joe's attack)

Emote: "Dashing away from Joe, Bob sees Jane nearby and races
        toward her, lifting his steel shield to protect her.

(Bob has enough Defense Points to help defend Jane. Bob uses half
of his remaining defense points. Bob
defends Jane)

Emote: "Defended by Bob, Jane grasps Saidar and quickly weaves a
        fireball towards Joe.

(Jane uses some of her Exhaustion Points to weave a fireball at
Joe. Joe does not have enough Defense Points to dodge the attack.
Jane's weave goes

Emote: "Engulfed in flames, Joe has no choice but to try to flee
        the battle, taking several steps back.

(Joe retreats one step)

Emote: "Seeing Joe begin to flee, Bob presses an offensive and
        moves forward as well.

(Bob advances one step)

Emote: "Remaining behind Bob's shield, Jane watches intently."
Command: TURN PASS

(Jane passes her turn)

Emote: "Given time to prepare an attack in his retreat, Joe kicks
        his right foot toward Bob's right hand in an attempt to
        disarm him.

(Joe attempts to disarm Bob. Bob does not have enough Defense
Points to block the attack. Bob is

Emote: "Stunned, Bob quickly bends down to grab his fallen sword."

(Bob gets a heron-marked sword)

See also: Phase, Turn-Based Combat

:: Beginning

.:. Mock Combat

-------------------- Mock Battle --------------------

Emote: "Bob hefts up his broadsword and quickly swings it towards
        Joe's left leg.

(Bob attacks Joe's leg. Joe has enough Defense Points to dodge the
attack. Joe
dodges Bob's attack)

Emote: "Feigning to the right, Bob's sword narrowly misses Joe's
        left leg, giving him time to dive forward and slash

(Joe attacks Bob. Bob has enough Defense Points to dodge the
attack. Bob
dodges Joe's attack)

Emote: "Dashing away from Joe, Bob sees Jane nearby and races
        toward her, lifting his steel shield to protect her.

(Bob has enough Defense Points to help defend Jane. Bob uses half
of his remaining defense points. Bob
defends Jane)

Emote: "Defended by Bob, Jane grasps Saidar and quickly weaves a
        fireball towards Joe.

(Jane uses some of her Exhaustion Points to weave a fireball at
Joe. Joe does not have enough Defense Points to dodge the attack.
Jane's weave goes

Emote: "Engulfed in flames, Joe has no choice but to try to flee
        the battle, taking several steps back.

(Joe retreats one step)

Emote: "Seeing Joe begin to flee, Bob presses an offensive and
        moves forward as well.

(Bob advances one step)

Emote: "Remaining behind Bob's shield, Jane watches intently."
Command: TURN PASS

(Jane passes her turn)

Emote: "Given time to prepare an attack in his retreat, Joe kicks
        his right foot toward Bob's right hand in an attempt to
        disarm him.

(Joe attempts to disarm Bob. Bob does not have enough Defense
Points to block the attack. Bob is

Emote: "Stunned, Bob quickly bends down to grab his fallen sword."

(Bob gets a heron-marked sword)

See also: Phase, Turn-Based Combat

:: Beginning

.:. Money

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. MOTD

By typing this command, a player can bring up A Moment in Tyme's
MOTD, or Message of the Day.  This is basically what you see each
time you log into the game.  This command is handy in case you want to
read something in the MOTD, and don't feel like backscrolling to the
log-in screen, or in case it has been updated while you are logged in.

See Also: IMOTD, MITupdate

:: Beginning


Hama N'dore (Mountain Dancers)
The Hama N'dore are trained to be able to fight with a variety of
. They are trained to fight on rocky or mountanous terrain,
and have quite an advantage in such terrain.

:: Beginning

.:. mpdump

mpdump <vnum>      -Lists the code for the MobProg with vnum <vnum>
mpedit             -Edit commands for MobProgs. (See 'help mpedit' for syntax)
mprogadd           -Adds a MobProg to a MOB.  (See: 'help mprogadd' for syntax)
mprogdelete        -Deletes a MobProg from a MOB. (See: 'help mprogdelete' for syntax)
mproglist scripted -List all mobs that have triggers/scripts attached to them.
mproglist <vnum>   -MProgList <vnum> lists the progs on a specific MOB.
   -If no vnum is specified, it lists all programs in the game.
mpedit list <zone> - List all programs in a particular zone.
mpstat <mob name>  -Similar to MProgList, but used on a loaded MOB.
mprogport    -Allows work from the BuilderPort to be set on MOBs on the Live MUD.
   -Be sure to save the code to port 6969 by typing:
'save 6969' in MPedit
   -To port work over:
'mprogport <mob vnum> 6969'


:: Beginning


The MPEDIT command allows you to edit code associated with mob programs.  This code can then be attached to mobs to allow them to interact with players or their environment.

Syntax :
mpedit [vnum]         - Edit mob program with vnum [vnum]
                      - This command will put you into the mpedit editor,
                      - Where all commands are interpreted by mpedit.
                      - See the listing below for valid commands.
mpedit create [vnum]  - Create a new mob program and give it vnum [vnum]
                      - This command will put you into the mpedit editor.
mpedit list           - List all mobprogs in the game.
mpedit list [zone]    - Lists all mobprogs in the zone.
mpedit save           - This command behaves differently if you're
                      - already inside mpedit or not.  If you are outside
                      - mpedit, it will save all mobpogs.  If you are in
                      - mpedit, it saves the mobprog you're editing.

Commands available inside MPEDIT:

commands         - Display the available commands.
create [vnum]    - Create a new mob prog with vnum [vnum]
code             - Enter the code editor where you write the actual code.
title [title]    - Give the mobprog a title to make it easier to identify.
show             - Show the current stats.  (Same as just hitting enter).
list             - List all mobprogs in the game.
list [zone]      - List all mobprogs in the zone.
save             - Saves the program you're editing.
save [port]      - Saves the program to a specific port.
functions        - List all available functions for use in 'if' statements.
funcs            - Shorthand for 'functions' command above.


:: Beginning


$i - The keywords (aliases) for the mob
$I - The mobs short description (Usually it's name)
$n - If the victim can see the mob (IE:  Not dark or has a light), the keywords (aliases) for mob, otherwise 'someone'.
$N - If the victim can see the mob (IE:  Not dark or has a light), the short description (Usually it's name) for mob, otherwise 'someone'.
$t - The keywords (aliases) for the victim of any given action.
$T - The name or short description of the victim of any given action.
$r - The keywords (aliases) for a random character in the room with the mob.
$R - The name or short description of a random character in the room with the mob.
$q - The keywords (aliases) for the target of a mob (Whoever activated the trigger).
$Q - The name or short description of the target of a mob (Whoever activated the trigger).
$j - he/she/it depending on sex of the mob.
$e - he/she/it depending on sex of the mob, or 'someone' if room is dark and player has no light, or if player is blind, etc.
$E - he/she/it depending on sex of the victim of a given action.
$J - he/she/it depending on sex of random character in room with mob.
$X - he/she/it of mob's target (Whoever activated the trigger.)
$k - him/her/it depending on sex of mob.
$m - him/her/it depending on sex of character initiating an action.
$M - him/her/it depending on sex of victim of any given action.
$K - him/her/it depending on sex of random victim chosen from room.
$Y - him/her/it of mob-prog's target.
$l - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob
$s - his/hers/its depending on sex of character that initiated action.
$S - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob, or 'someone' if character can not see mob.
$L - his/hers/its depending on sex of random character from room.
$Z - his/hers/its depending on sex of mob-prog target.
$o - first keyword (alias) of object.
$O - short description of object.
$p - First keyword (alias) from second object
$P - Short description of second object.

$0 through $9 - User defined variables.  You may store data in these variables
              - using the "mob store" command.  Example:  mob store 1 $N
              - The above example would store the value of $N in variable $1
              - $1 will remain available for all scripts running under the
              - current mob, so these can be used to pass data back and forth
              - between scripts.

:: Beginning


    "rand",            /* if rand 30       - if random number < 30 */
    "mobhere",         /* if mobhere fido  - is there a 'fido' here */
    "objhere",         /* if objhere bottle    - is there a 'bottle' here */
                       /* if mobhere 1233  - is there mob vnum 1233 here */
                       /* if objhere 1233  - is there obj vnum 1233 here */
    "mobexists",       /* if mobexists fido    - is there a fido somewhere */
    "objexists",       /* if objexists sword   - is there a sword somewhere */

    "people",          /* if people > 4    - does room contain > 4 people */
    "players",         /* if players > 1   - does room contain > 1 pcs */
    "mobs",            /* if mobs > 2      - does room contain > 2 mobiles */
    "clones",          /* if clones > 3    - are there > 3 mobs of same vnum here */
    "order",           /* if order == 0    - is mob the first in room */
    "hour",            /* if hour > 11     - is the time > 11 o'clock */

    "ispc",            /* if ispc $n       - is $n a pc */
    "isnpc",           /* if isnpc $n      - is $n a mobile */
    "isgood",          /* if isgood $n     - is $n good */
    "isevil",          /* if isevil $n     - is $n evil */
    "isneutral",       /* if isneutral $n  - is $n neutral */
    "isimmort",        /* if isimmort $n   - is $n immortal */
    "ischarm",         /* if ischarm $n    - is $n charmed */
    "isfollow",        /* if isfollow $n   - is $n following someone */
    "isactive",        /* if isactive $n   - is $n's position > SLEEPING */
    "isdelay",         /* if isdelay $i    - does $i have mobprog pending */
    "isvisible",       /* if isvisible $n  - can mob see $n */
    "hastarget",       /* if hastarget $i  - does $i have a valid target */
    "istarget",        /* if istarget $n   - is $n mob's target */
    "exists",          /* if exists $n     - does $n exist somewhere */

    "affected",        /* if affected $n blind - is $n affected by blind */
    "act",             /* if act $i sentinel   - is $i flagged sentinel */
    "off",             /* if off $i berserk    - is $i flagged berserk */
    "imm",             /* if imm $i fire   - is $i immune to fire */
    "carries",         /* if carries $n sword  - does $n have a 'sword' */
                       /* if carries $n 1233   - does $n have obj vnum 1233 */
    "wears",           /* if wears $n lantern  - is $n wearing a 'lantern' */
                       /* if wears $n 1233 - is $n wearing obj vnum 1233 */
    "has",             /* if has $n weapon - does $n have obj of type weapon */
    "uses",            /* if uses $n armor - is $n wearing obj of type armor */
    "name",            /* if name $n puff  - is $n's name 'puff' */
    "pos",             /* if pos $n standing   - is $n standing */
    "clan",            /* if clan $n 'whatever'- does $n belong to clan 'whatever' */
    "race",            /* if race $n dragon    - is $n of 'dragon' race */
    "class",           /* if class $n mage - is $n's class 'mage' */
    "objtype",         /* if objtype $p scroll - is $p a scroll */

    "vnum",            /* if vnum $i == 1233   - virtual number check */
    "hpcnt",           /* if hpcnt $i > 30 - hit point percent check */
    "room",            /* if room $i == 1233   - room virtual number */
    "sex",             /* if sex $i == 0   - sex check */
    "level",           /* if level $n < 5  - level check */
    "align",           /* if align $n < -1000  - alignment check */
    "money",           /* if money $n */
    "objval0",         /* if objval0 > 1000    - object value[] checks 0..13 */
    "grpsize",                    /* if grpsize $n > 6    - group size check */
    "ercount",                    // if ercount $n > 2    - Emotes in Room
    "trcount",                    // if trcount $n > 4    - Ticks in room
    "ecount",                     // if ecount $n > 2     - Emotes since last rpexp update
    "ucount",                     // if ucount $n > 1    - Count of rpexp updates for player
    "hasmemory",                 // if hasmemory $n <text> - Does mob remember <text> about $n?
    "rank",                       // if rank $n "<guild tag> <rank>" - Does $n have rank <rank> in guild <guild tag>?  (MUST be in quotes!)
    "subrank",                    // if subrank $n "<guild tag> <subrank>" - Does $n have rank <rank> in guild <guild tag>?  (MUST be in quotes)
    "cmd",                        // if cmd milk          - Did the player type the 'milk' command?  (Only works with CMD triggers!)
    "cmdarg",                     // if cmdarg cow        - Did the player type the word 'cow' after the command that triggered this script? (Only works with CMD triggers)
    "success",                    // if success $n arrest - Did the player succeed at using the 'arrest' skill?
    "skill",                      // if skill '$n [skill]' > 500  - Is players skill level in [skill] greater than 50.0%? (Note:  Quotes are required and skill levels are divided by 10.  Thus 500 is 50.0%
    "trigger",                    // if trigger greet     - Was this script triggered with a 'greet' trigger?
    "phrase",                     // if phrase 'looks at you' - Was this script triggered by the phrase 'looks at you'?

:: Beginning


Syntax:   mprogadd [mob vnum] [mprog vnum] [trigger] [delay] [phrase]

For a list of triggers and their phrases, see 'help mob triggers'

A delay of -1 indicates that the script triggers immediately upon the event.
This means that whatever character update was occurring when the trigger fired is
interrupted while the trigger executes.  This is important because some triggers
have the ability to prevent such updates from succeeding.  For example, an EXIT
trigger can prevent a player from leaving the room, but only if the trigger fires
instantly (with a delay of -1).

A delay of 0 indicates that the script is added to the list of scripts to run on
the next update, and that we should 0 for 0 updates to run the script (So it will
literally be run on the next mobile update, which occurs immediately after a
character update in the code.)  This means that a delay of 0 makes the trigger
'seem' instant, but it gives the character update code a chance to finish before
executing the script.

Otherwise, the delay indicates how long the script waits to run, in 1/10ths of a
second.  Therefore a delay of 10 would indicate a delay of 1 second.


:: Beginning

.:. mproglist

mpdump <vnum>      -Lists the code for the MobProg with vnum <vnum>
mpedit             -Edit commands for MobProgs. (See 'help mpedit' for syntax)
mprogadd           -Adds a MobProg to a MOB.  (See: 'help mprogadd' for syntax)
mprogdelete        -Deletes a MobProg from a MOB. (See: 'help mprogdelete' for syntax)
mproglist scripted -List all mobs that have triggers/scripts attached to them.
mproglist <vnum>   -MProgList <vnum> lists the progs on a specific MOB.
   -If no vnum is specified, it lists all programs in the game.
mpedit list <zone> - List all programs in a particular zone.
mpstat <mob name>  -Similar to MProgList, but used on a loaded MOB.
mprogport    -Allows work from the BuilderPort to be set on MOBs on the Live MUD.
   -Be sure to save the code to port 6969 by typing:
'save 6969' in MPedit
   -To port work over:
'mprogport <mob vnum> 6969'


:: Beginning

.:. mprogport

mpdump <vnum>      -Lists the code for the MobProg with vnum <vnum>
mpedit             -Edit commands for MobProgs. (See 'help mpedit' for syntax)
mprogadd           -Adds a MobProg to a MOB.  (See: 'help mprogadd' for syntax)
mprogdelete        -Deletes a MobProg from a MOB. (See: 'help mprogdelete' for syntax)
mproglist scripted -List all mobs that have triggers/scripts attached to them.
mproglist <vnum>   -MProgList <vnum> lists the progs on a specific MOB.
   -If no vnum is specified, it lists all programs in the game.
mpedit list <zone> - List all programs in a particular zone.
mpstat <mob name>  -Similar to MProgList, but used on a loaded MOB.
mprogport    -Allows work from the BuilderPort to be set on MOBs on the Live MUD.
   -Be sure to save the code to port 6969 by typing:
'save 6969' in MPedit
   -To port work over:
'mprogport <mob vnum> 6969'


:: Beginning

.:. mpstat

mpdump <vnum>      -Lists the code for the MobProg with vnum <vnum>
mpedit             -Edit commands for MobProgs. (See 'help mpedit' for syntax)
mprogadd           -Adds a MobProg to a MOB.  (See: 'help mprogadd' for syntax)
mprogdelete        -Deletes a MobProg from a MOB. (See: 'help mprogdelete' for syntax)
mproglist scripted -List all mobs that have triggers/scripts attached to them.
mproglist <vnum>   -MProgList <vnum> lists the progs on a specific MOB.
   -If no vnum is specified, it lists all programs in the game.
mpedit list <zone> - List all programs in a particular zone.
mpstat <mob name>  -Similar to MProgList, but used on a loaded MOB.
mprogport    -Allows work from the BuilderPort to be set on MOBs on the Live MUD.
   -Be sure to save the code to port 6969 by typing:
'save 6969' in MPedit
   -To port work over:
'mprogport <mob vnum> 6969'


:: Beginning

.:. MSET

Immortals Only

mset <victim> <field> <value>

Set's the field of a mob with a specific value.

> mset                    {lists mset fields available to you}
> mset wisdom dex 15      {sets a wisdom's dexterity to 15}

See also: Set

:: Beginning

.:. MUD

It is a good idea to read these every once in a while.
They contain useful information.

newbie          - read this if you are new here
handbook        - a guide to roleplaying on A Moment in Tyme
policy          - policies on topics like player killing
credits         - the people who made MikkiMUD possible!
version         - displays the current MikkiMUD version number.
motd            - shows the message of the day, what you see when you log on
who -v          - displays a list of people able to help you with the game.
update          - see IC news and rumors of what has been going on recently.
wizlist         - a list of the current Staff on A Moment in Tyme
unread          - shows which boards you have unread posts on.

See also: Webpages, MITupdate

:: Beginning



  MAIL <name>                 - Send a mail
  MAIL SHOW [folder]          - Show unread mail
  MAIL LIST [folder]          - List your mail
  MAIL READ #                 - Read a mail
  MAIL DELETE #               - Delete a mail
  MAIL REPLY #                - Reply to a mail
  MAIL REPLYALL #             - Reply to everyone copied on a mail.
  MAIL FORWARD # <name>       - Forward a mail
  MAIL FILE # <folder>        - File mail in folder
  MAIL GUILD <tag>            - Mail all members of a guild
  MAIL SEARCH <to/from/subject/body> <text>  
                              - Search for a mail

  MAIL FOLDER LIST            - List your Virtual Folders
  MAIL FOLDER NEW <name>      - Add Folder
  MAIL FOLDER DELETE [folder] - Delete a folder
  MAIL FOLDER RENAME # <name> - Rename a folder

  Note: Multiple names can be listed for both sending and forwarding mails.

:: Beginning


Multiguilds are specific organizations that have grouped together based
on common beliefs, goals, or heritage. For a list of multiguilds, both
for Immortals as well as Mortals, type 'multiguild'.

GLs can also use the 'multiguild' command to see all the options available
to them for administration of their guild rosters, including changing the
ranks, subranks, membership, and more.

To see the seeking requirements and information of all our multiguilds,
type 'template list' for the full index, then 'template show #' for the
specific guild in which you are interested.

To see who leads which guilds, type 'gllist'.  See the Guild Immortal
for any guilds without a mortal guildleader, or with any other questions
about the multiguilds.

:: Beginning


See 'policy multiplay' for information on this topic.

See Also:  Policy, Policy Multiplay

:: Beginning


The terms HIT, KILL or MURDER no longer apply. For information about
engaging in code fighting, type: <help turn-based combat>

Also see
Policy PK.

:: Beginning

.:. MUTE

Immortals Only

MUTE is used to shut a player up; if a player is muted, he/she will not be
able to use most communication channels until he/she is unmuted.

> mute MrNoisy

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page